Birds of a Feather

  1. Fatigue cripples US army in Iraq

  2. Memo shows [Utah] mine owners already knew they had roof problems in March

  3. Texas girl in [taxpayer funded] “boot camp” is tied to a van and dragged

  4. Cheney in ’94 on why it would be stupid to occupy Iraq

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2 Responses to Birds of a Feather

  1. karl says:

    I wonder if it is possible to bring murder charges against the owner of the mine, he clearly knew the place was unsafe but he continued to send workers in there. Maybe he can share a cell with Mike Vick.

  2. Not murder, and not him personally I don’t think. The company could get prosecuted though, and through that process, as witnesses provide information, he could end up being brought up on criminal charges. What little I’ve seen or read of him isn’t positive. The guy is living in a different world.

    Still insisting that the entire ordeal was the fault of an earthquake.

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