Monthly Archives: July 2007

Beck – Jackass

“…and we will, rise in the cool of the evening”

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bBlogBouillabaisse – Novocaine

Chavez Meets Ahmadinejad in Tehran Beatbox…talent? skill? exercise? disorder? New Drug Deletes Bad Memories Judge lifts injunction on ‘DC madam’ phone records Biden on Bush: “This guy is braindead.” Catches Geek Squad Stealing Porn From Customer’s Computer (Video) Statements … Continue reading

Posted in Words | 1 Comment

Happy July 5th!

I hope everyone took it easy – no mangled body parts due to fireworks and such. Here’s Keith Olbermann’s latest Special Comment regarding Bush granting clemency to Libby. This thing is already covered a million different ways all over the … Continue reading

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Bill Hicks’ Legendary One Night Stand, 1990

RIP Bill:

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The Political Cost of Republican Nativism

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 16 Comments

A.Q. Khan – aka “Fallout Boy”

A Pakistani scientist peddled nuclear arms technology to Iran, North Korea and probably Harlem as well for all we know, which justifies jail time at least, if not a USA-certified “enemy combatant” designation. Imagine the amount of dire scenarios that … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 1 Comment

Government Mule – Mule

With the late Allen Woody on bass:

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