Ready To Trust General Patraeus?

UPDATE: State Dep’t Ends Baghdad Electricity Updates

President Bush 6/15/2006: “I do think we’ll be able to measure progress. You can measure progress in capacity of Iraqi units, you can measure progress in megawatts of electricity delivered, you can measure progress in terms of oil sold on the market on behalf of the Iraqi people.”

Electricity in Baghdad

Chart Source

Marine Corps Time 7/27/07: “A key aide says Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s relations with U.S. commander Gen. David Petraeus are so poor the Iraqi leader may ask Washington the withdraw the well-regarded U.S. military leader from duty here. The Iraqi foreign minister calls the relationship “difficult.”…Al-Maliki has spoken sharply — not of Petraeus or Crocker personally — but about their tactic of welcoming Sunni militants into the fight against al-Qaida forces in Anbar and Diyalah provinces.”


7/24/2007: “Most of the bodies found by the police — an average of 20 a day — are bound, blindfolded and shot execution style, victims of sectarian violence carried out by both Sunni and Shi’ite death squads. Many also bear signs of torture or mutilation, according to medical sources in Baghdad. Despite official Iraqi and U.S. statements to the contrary, the reports indicate that the number of unidentified bodies in the capital has risen again to pre-surge levels over the last two months.”

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12 Responses to Ready To Trust General Patraeus?

  1. wingnut says:

    20 people found shot execution style is not a problem, you libs need to stop expecting perfection.

  2. Right – at least all the bodies are in one place and not scattered around the neighborhood. These killers get a bad rap sometimes, but they are civic-minded enough to bring all their victims out to the curb and stack them up nicely…

  3. wingnut says:

    The market will solve the sectarian violence problem in Iraq, eventually people will get tired of dieing and they will hire their own security forces and that will be the end of unemployment in Iraq. The invisible and of the market cures all.

  4. You’re right…they’ll pay them somehow, and everything will be good. My personal security force works for food and water.

  5. wingnut says:

    Any problems in Iraq and Afganistan are caused by gay marriage, once we solve that problem we can be assured that Iraq and Afganistan will take care of themselves.

  6. Obviously it is the state’s approval of the devil, these homosexual urges, that prevents us from achieving victory in these wars. I believe strongly in the fact that Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson were right on the money in describing who was responsible for 9/11. The pagans, abortionists, and so on…they must be either contained in camps or eradicated, preferably, with flame throwers (risk of contamination is high even after they’re dead).

  7. wingnut says:

    It is silly to think that president Bush or Dr Rice could have prevented 9/11, sure they had a few reports about possible terrorist acivity; but how could you expect people to stop the punishment of god.

    Most people know the New York really should be called “New Soddom” anyway, and DC is just Gomora remade, look what happans to godly men lik Senataor Vitter when they get to Washington DC, they become whore chasing heathens. God picked two good targets on 9/11.

  8. wingnut says:

    Of course I should mention that Hollywood is the ultimate hotbed of sin, I assume god spared Hollywood so that Fred Thompson, gee he smells good and makes me feel so safe, could run for president.

    Oh well, I have graced this unholy liberal site long enough, now I must go back with my own kind on Ace of spades and Michelle malkin and rewatch all episodes of “24”. I wish jack Bauer could run for president, he is hot in a completely hetrosexual way of course.

  9. bernie kosar says:

    Is it me or is Gordan Brown such a kiss ass?

  10. karl says:

    I wonder how long before britain leaves Iraq? I think that will be the first and probably last test of Gordon Brown

  11. karl says:

    Maybe Brown is not a complete flunky

    From the Gaurdian:

    Gordon Brown scored a dramatic first foreign policy victory last night when the UN security council voted to deploy a 26,000-strong international force to Darfur, with a mandate to stop the massacres of civilians which have driven 2 million people from their homes.
    Mr Brown has made Darfur a foreign policy priority, and the UN resolution was an initiative he promoted 10 days earlier with the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, aiming to end a year of international drift on the issue. This week he secured George Bush’s support for the draft.

  12. He certainly isn’t…I’m way behind on my reading in foreign affairs, but the bits and pieces I’ve consumed up to now have been encouraging. The fact that he’s not going to use the term “war on terror” is a huge plus for me.

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