The Bible warns of tough times ahead

This is pretty funny.  karl emailed it yesterday.

fallout shelter

KAMIAH, Idaho — Do you envision a dream home that shields you from nuclear holocaust? Marauding outlaws? Agents of Satan?  You’re in luck.  A $230,000, two-story, three-bedroom beauty nestled amid rolling pastures eight miles north of here is on the market.  The “Survivalist Home,” as advertised in north central Idaho newspapers, was built in 1998 on 21/2 acres and designed as a haven from nuclear fallout and roving bands of outlaws, said owner Mike (Big Mike) Molesworth, 62.”You won’t find another one like this up here,” he said.

His self-sufficient home is in part of Idaho that has drawn many people seeking havens from the world, such as those who came 13 years ago with constitutionalist Bo Gritz to form the Christian covenant communities, Almost Heaven and Shenandoah, which are on 600 acres nearby in the Woodland area.

Anyone on a country drive on Caribel Road will spot Molesworth’s property and know it’s special.

The well-kept lawn, short gravel drive, outbuilding with storage for 10 cords of firewood and garden plot are enclosed by a 6-foot-tall fence topped with a vicious 2-foot whirl of concertina wire. The entrance has floodlights at a military-style checkpost.

“It was probably, maybe, a little extreme putting the razor wire up there,” Molesworth said. “But if things go bad, you won’t have time to put it up later, or even go buy things.”

The Bible warns of tough times ahead, Molesworth said.

Sometime soon, someone is bound to detonate a suitcase nuclear bomb and spark mass unrest. In the ensuing chaos, the razor wire can keep starving neighbors from raiding the garden, he said.

The home’s crown jewel is the bunker.

Behind 8 inches of rebar-filled concrete is a bathroom, bedroom with bunk beds, a kitchen, two walk-in food and supply closets and a room for tools and power generators. The opening to a 3,000-gallon water tank is inside and there’s access to a 1,700-gallon cistern that fills from a stream that crosses the property.

The bunker makes up about a third of the 1,725-square-foot dwelling and is a bit tight, but homey. Until recently, Molesworth lived in it, allowing a needy family to live upstairs in the more conventional part of the home.

The bunker is stocked with reading material, such as the U.S. Department of Energy’s 1987 “Nuclear War Survival Skills,” as well as movies, music and board games.

“You don’t want to sit in here going nuts with nothing to do,” Molesworth said.

He has new clothes too.

“If we have an argument with China, they’re not going to send socks and underwear to us.”

Molesworth can use electricity from the power company or switch a couple of plugs to use his own propane-powered generator. He keeps 3 1/2 years worth of propane, food and supplies.

While the Bible warns of seven years of tribulation, only half that time will require self-sufficiency, he explained.

“The Bible says in the last 3 1/2 years, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything.”

Molesworth is a tall, large man, hence the nickname Big Mike. He grew up in Maryland, the son in a Catholic military family. He’s been married twice but has no children and has held many jobs, including one as a computer technician. He also served in the U.S. Army from 1962 to 1965. He retired as a teamster in Las Vegas.

He’s a jocular guy and doesn’t proselytize. He heard about Idaho in Vegas from other truckers chatting on the citizen’s band radio about “like-minded-thinking people, people that believe in Bible prophecy and all that.”

He stayed out of the Christian covenant communities, saying he has friends there but isn’t interested in the politics. And “like-minded” doesn’t always mean pleasant.  “Don’t get me wrong, you do get some nuts up here,” Molesworth said.

So why sell the home he has sunk so much time into?

After some prodding, Molesworth admitted that he got cross-wise with the a few years back and ended up with a felony. Now, he can’t legally have a firearm and that doesn’t sit well.

“I’m leaving the country.”

He won’t say where he’s headed, only that his intended destination is a country with a good exchange rate, little crime and friendly, Christian people. His disability checks, for a back injury, and other Social Security will let him live well.

So far, he has shown the home to people from New Mexico and Washington. Another person from Utah plans to view it as well. The taxes on the place are $211 a year and his power bill, both for propane and the power company, comes to $40 a month.

Another reason he is leaving is because his elderly mother, who used to live with him, has recently taken ill and he needs $5,000 a month to pay for her nursing home. Now, he’s alone in the bunker. He wants to start living again.

“I’ve just been sitting here waiting to die, waiting for the bomb to hit,” Molesworth said. “I’m going to go start doing something.”


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5 Responses to The Bible warns of tough times ahead

  1. Karl says:

    I like the whole survivalist mantra, “we don’t need no government, I will take care of myself” of course I need social security and disability, and probably medicare as well.

    Oh well, some country sure is going to get a winner

  2. Anonymous says:

    I can’t believe I was once married to this nut. He lied about having no children, He has a son.

  3. Anonymous says:

    He was never in the military and he was never a teamster. He was not very religious when I knew him

  4. Anonymous says:

    I hope you sold the ring you stole from your own mother to pay for her expenses or used the money you stoled from your daugther’s mother in 2003 to pay for the expenses. Why do you only say you have a son when you also have a 44 year old daugther who lives in Maryland??? Maybe because you are a loser, a liar, a fraud, and a theif!!!
    I will always keep my eye on you.

  5. Anonymous says:

    If my messages keep being deleted I’ll just keep writing more each time!!

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