Chickenhawks, Scapegoats, Don Young’s Teeth

Max Blumenthal – College GOP Convention

Keith Olbermann – Special Comment “Scapegoat”

Don Young (R-AK) – “Those that bite me will be bitten back”, like minks…

Also: Young on Illegal Contributions: You Caught Me Too Late!

Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) has acknowledged taking more than $5,500 in illegal campaign contributions from a seafood trade association since 2001, but he has informed federal officials he will only pay back a portion of those funds because some of the violations fall outside the statute of limitations for campaign finance violations.

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7 Responses to Chickenhawks, Scapegoats, Don Young’s Teeth

  1. Karl says:

    Gotta love the college republicans, It is too bad that so many of them have “health problems”. I wonder if they really are disproportionally more likely to have health issues(my guess is they are full of crap) maybe having to sit inside with an inhaler while everyone else is outside makes people more conservative. The potential for psych research is there.

  2. The kid who is talking about how everyone has homosexual urges…curiosities…he steals the show!

  3. Karl says:

    Where would the republican party be without self loathing homosexuals.

  4. bernie kosar says:

    Empty Suits with Money! Hey AL, Have you seen any of the Bill Moyers programs since he’s been “reinstated” at PBS? His format is very informal, almost free-write like, but very informative. The topics range from the FCC, the Sub-Prime Lending industry to the topic of Impeachment (which was aired last week). Beware, though: The open and frank discussions may make some viewers weary – no graphics, and no 30 second sound bites.

  5. I’ve seen just about all of them thus far. Trouble so far finding a torrent to download the best one from last week on impeachment. I posted his documentary on net neutrality here:

    Still looking for the impeachment program to download. Last night’s show was a good one. I like how he has fit in shows about writers between weeks with politics/military. Great season thus far!

    I realized…THIS is what Republicans hate about PBS!

  6. thepoetryman says:

    Bill Moyers certainly gets my attention and I gladly give it to him. As for the video of the infiltration of the College Republicans…it was a sad display of fear and loathing. Yes. That pretty much sums it up.

  7. thepoetryman says:

    The sad display was all theirs (college republicans in the video), by the way. I reread that and saw where it may be misinterpreted.

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