bBlogBouillabaisse – Novocaine


  1. Chavez Meets Ahmadinejad in Tehran

  2. Beatbox…talent? skill? exercise? disorder?

  3. New Drug Deletes Bad Memories

  4. Judge lifts injunction on ‘DC madam’ phone records

  5. Biden on Bush: “This guy is braindead.”

  6. Catches Geek Squad Stealing Porn From Customer’s Computer (Video)

  7. Statements from Presidential Candidates on Libby Commutation

  8. A Review of Recent US Death Trends in Iraq

  9. Dusty asks, “Independence Day…WTF is it Anyway?”

  10. (NewYorker) Last month, the publisher Simon & Schuster announced a partnership with a Web site called MediaPredict, which would use the collective judgment of readers to evaluate book proposals.

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One Response to bBlogBouillabaisse – Novocaine

  1. Equipment Kid Spy says:

    Black Fendi Spy

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