Monthly Archives: June 2007

Libby’s Going To Jail

Bypass the MSM and hit up Firedoglake for your Libby coverage: Judge Walton: He is not a flight risk or danger to the community, but I don’t see the issues raised as close, so I deny his request to be … Continue reading

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Indivisible Dope Fiend

I was told so often during my life that the United States was a great country. In grade school the USSR became Russia, and in junior high we saved Kuwait from a bad man. Over time I struggled with the … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 29 Comments

Lurita Doan

This woman is either a deranged sociopath or basically someone who is emblematic of the ‘loyal Bushie’ mindset, which appears to embody a complete lack of respect for the law, along with an enormous level of ignorance in not being … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Video | 5 Comments

Men of Principle

S.J.Res.14 – A joint resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales no longer holds the confidence of the Senate and of the American people. (voting results) Several senators decided to take a pass on work … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Video | 11 Comments

Final Episode of the Sopranos

I take it there are a lot of pissed off HBO subscribers out there today. Don’t count me in with that crowd – I thought the ending was perfect. That final scene had me jumping over every person that came … Continue reading

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Mercenaries in Iraq

A 25 minute Middle East news-magazine program on hired guns working on the US taxpayer’s dime within Iraq.

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My Spouse Called From Baghdad

(fromDailyKOS) My wife is an officer in Iraq. She did a decade of service as an enlisted soldier. She wanted to have an effect on policy and make decisions on a day to day basis when she chose to become … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 8 Comments

Labor and the New Nationalism (1919)

Napoleon’s words sent me into one of my research kicks, and so I’ve been digging around a bit, reading a lot of material from the first quarter of the 20th century. There’s a lot I could cite, but this one … Continue reading

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Swearengen TV

Since there’s not enough time to post on everything I pile up for the future, I’ll be making a post like this every so often. Here are 13 videos I really liked: Our Accu-Wrath Forecast Hannity & Colmbes – Hitchens/Fallwell

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GOP Debate Analysis

I’m finding it to be pretty interesting how this GOP race has played out so far. Not that I’m surprised that Mitt Romney is on top, since he really is best looking one who says nothing controversial to whoever his … Continue reading

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Nexus of Terror (Updated)

Keith Olbermann puts together an updated ‘Nexus of Terror’, and here it is in two parts.

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26 of 27

There was a time in my life when something like this would never get by me. Three straight nights of the game starting after 10PM, and all day long I’m thinking the 4th in Oakland is a night game. Schilling … Continue reading

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Matt Sanchez – Act 2

Wolf Blitzer is moderating in New Hampshire, and he asks the entire crop of potential GOP candidates for ’08 to raise their hand if they believe that gays should be allowed to serve in the military. Not one hand went … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 88 Comments

Flight of the Conchords – Business Time

Check these guys out. They’re a funny music/comedy duo from New Zealand:

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AT&T’s Net Neutrality Video

For more background on all this, you can see the documentary I posted a few weeks ago:

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What if Israel had turned back?

(by Tom Segev – JERUSALEM) Forty years ago, on the morning of June 5, 1967, Jordan launched an artillery attack on the Israeli part of Jerusalem. In reaction, Israel conquered the Arab sections of the city as well as the … Continue reading

Posted in History | 3 Comments


Not only does Hillary stand in front of the first one, but ABC News manages to get it wrong another way on the same page. You know that each of these mistakes made their way past a number of eyes. … Continue reading

Posted in Words | 1 Comment

Asante’s Holdout Begins

(BostonGlobe) Asante Samuel: “I’m not coming to camp. I’m not showing up until the 10th week [of the season]. I feel unappreciated. The way they’re treating me is just wrong.” ~~ He added the ‘week 10’ thing, which is original. … Continue reading

Posted in Sports | 5 Comments


Bruce Bowen ages a year in this series vs. Lebron, and the team that can figure it out consistently on defense and hit open shots will prevail. I was enlightened by something I read earlier today: (CavsBlog) Reason to Believe … Continue reading

Posted in Sports, Video | 2 Comments

Phish – Down With Disease > Frankenstein – 9/14/99

Boise State University ~ the entire second set is a masterpiece. My #1 favorite bootleg for years, and here’s one part of it. Hard to pick which one to feature here, but I had to go with the energy on … Continue reading

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Banned from Right Wing News

Update 8PM: After simply choosing a new username (kent brockman) and email, I was able to create a new account, then post for the rest of the day. My main point in all of this was to perhaps warn Mr. … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 24 Comments

Out of ideas?

“At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001 ], and the naysayers will … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Words | 2 Comments

Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham (late 60s)

Outstanding find, Thank God For YouTube!!! Part 2 is below the fold. (H/T Andrew Sullivan, hockey assist Your Daily Awesome)

Posted in Religion, Video | 3 Comments

Deangelo teaching Wallace & Bodie about chess

From season 1 of The Wire – sitting in the housing project courtyard, “The Pit”…relating chess to the drug game. Three great characters, not able to know all about that from this clip alone, but it delivers nonetheless:

Posted in Video | 1 Comment

Journal ~ December 2000

GOODBYE BLUE MONDAY ~ of methods such as specific manipulation of the body and mind’s emotions as well as its ability to speak to you using signs & language bop that will pop loud or soft depending on how good … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Words | 2 Comments

Hillary Convo From Elsewhere

(from Control Congress) preussow Says: Al, how can she (Hillary) lose you, she keeps changing the stance on the audience and surely at one point she hit your button. Al Swearengen Says: Nah – I expect all politicians to lie … Continue reading

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Journal ~ September 2000

This here is a bit of some journal I’d found a couple weeks ago, long after remembering it was written or still in existence. Very engrossing for me since then, picking it up and catching a glimpse of Al, age … Continue reading

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