Let Them Stay

Voices of US War Resisters in Canada

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4 Responses to Let Them Stay

  1. John christman says:

    Thank you for your efforts. These are very brave Americans who do not believe that the means justify the ends.

  2. D.Love says:

    I spent 22 years in the Canadian Airforce , in a lot of places. It was my choice to join and my choice to leave. If the American Government position makes some of their military people refuse to engage in some of the actions we hear about, the government should allow them to seperate from the service. If the US Government try to apply sanctions to their own service folks, the most sensible thing to do is leave the country of their birth and cross the border. It would be tough for the folks as they will be leaving family, and long time contacts behind. Nobody slips out of the country on a whim. Canada most certainly should accept these folks . These folks are actually political refugees

  3. They are indeed. My feeling on the matter is, once you completely shut down all avenues for contentious objector status and begin to stop-loss people who have already fulfilled their contract, all bets are off. When 2008 rolls around, if the Democrats have the WH and Congress, I’ll be lobbying for a review of these policies, and a law against conscription.

    The term “stop-loss” is ridiculous in the first place. They abolished the draft, and once it comes back, it’s given this antiseptic language, just like everything else with my government these days. The horrific things it does, in front of each policy is a legal paper full of soft words.

    As full of shit as anything could be. That’s us. That’s America.

  4. S. R. says:

    I wouldn’t touch the US Army with a ten foot pole nowadays.

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