Ben Shapiro – Satellite Humanity

Ben Shapiro (Orthodox Jew, very smart, controversial young writer) writes in a piece at – ‘The Radical Evil Of The Palestinian Arab Population‘:

The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core…in the end, the blame must lie with the Palestinian Arabs themselves. They have accepted their role with relish. They are as responsible for their government’s longstanding evil as the Germans were for the Nazis’.

Ben ShapiroIf I were to dismiss his ideas based on the fact that he is an American Orthodox Jew with conservative nerve endings, then I’d probably qualify as a racist or anti-Semite. I’m probably both, though I strongly disagree with myself on that point. Mr. Shapiro appears to be extremely prejudiced in his own right. No doubt, he would also disagree.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way – I think it’s a good thing for everybody to read this article of his. Whether or not he’s ever spent time in a Palestinian community, his ignorance on this topic is extraordinary. The answer to ‘why’ his words are put together in such a way, I feel, is a defense mechanism. Americans are becoming more and more aware of the history behind apartheid in Palestine, and the suffering of innocent Palestinians has come more into focus.

The Israeli offensive in Lebanon provided a case study in how things work in that small corner of the world, and as a rule, the surrounding peoples who live outside the border of Israel are on thin ice before they’re even born. Rhetoric is all I have to offer today, as the many mechanisms of my plodding physiology are in need of jumper cables or some dry gas…maybe a couple of Daniel Carver’s answering machine messages, or a good old Osama mixed-tape will get me going.

There’s got to be something to gain in a purpose-driven immersion within the bounds of irrational hate-speech, and to get on the same page with Shapiro, I’m obviously going to need something equivalent to compare it with. Maybe the $22.00 I spent on a copy of Michael Savage’s acceptance speech of a Talker’s Magazine award will hold the key to understanding this uniquely deranged mind. And if all else fails, I’ll simply stop taking all medications and replace them with Wild Turkey. Couple days of that regimen should get me to where I need to be. So hold on Shapiro…I’ll be with you soon enough.

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8 Responses to Ben Shapiro – Satellite Humanity

  1. Nasser et al sowed these seeds in the Six Day War. The palestinians are still left with his geographic tab.

    As any good Red Sox fan knows, a good defense is a good offense.

  2. That Red Sox theory didn’t work out so well for nearly 100 years. It was only until we actually had a good defense, pitching and speed, that the championship became an obtainable goal. The green monster dictated for decades, a policy that insisted on abandoning common universal traits shared by championship teams in baseball, like the ability to play small ball, turn a double play, and steal a base.

    This analogy fits in well with Israel’s strategy over the past 4 decades. Ignoring the natural aspects of the game that makes a team great, and instead thinking that by loading up the lineup with big bats, eventually the competition will succumb.

    Both the Red Sox and Israel have been guilty of treating their respective missions in a way that reminds me of Lennie and the puppies from ‘Of Mice and Men’. One after another, those puppies end up dead, and Lennie can’t seem to understand why.

  3. I’ll just stick to baseball right now, and venture that Damon, Cabrera, Ramirez, Ortiz, Varitek, Nixon was the strongest lineups in Bosox history (and don’t forget batting champ Mueller in the 9-hole). Maybe none of them rise up to Vaughn, Rice, Yaz, Williams …, but take those 7 hitters and there’s some offensive dynamite.

    Roberts’ speed, along with Damon & Cabrera, is a significant factor, but we agree–its good offense.

  4. says:

    How about the Rockies’ victory over the Evil Empire tonight? Cool, huh? Now, fortunately, they’ve undone the harm they did to the Red Sox by beating them last week.

  5. That was perfect! 10 game cushion leading into the trip out west. I was watching the first 2 innings while my boys were still up, and it was amazing. They intentionally walked Varitek to get to Coco, and he blasts one into the seats in right field to make it 5-0 in the first. Big Poppy launches one into the same place in the 2nd to make it 7-0…too easy.

    Colorado took 2-3 from the Sox in Fenway…that lineup is dangerous. If a Rockies starter keeps it close into the 7th, they’ve always got a chance to win.

  6. says:

    Yeah, the Sox slaughtered the Braves. Here’s hoping they keep rolling and the Yankees keep losing; I was getting kinda worried the last few weeks.

  7. says:

    Rockies sweep Yankees! Boston’s 10 game cushion is now 10 1/2 games! 😀

  8. Colorado!!! The Rockies are for real this year. I’m doubting the staying power of the Dodgers…still haven’t had a close up look at San Diego, but we’re playing them starting tomorrow night. Arizona was impressive, but the Rockies lineup is scary.

    I’d love to live in Denver or around there…$5 tickets on the street prior to the ballgame…I was stupid and spent $40+ on tickets for the first two games of the series when I was there, bought them online months prior. If only you could do that at Fenway!

    Must have been fun to watch. Seeing the air blow out of the Yankees after that winning streak is a great thing.

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