Stuffy Monday

Sam is sick, and I’m running on fumes after a project for school kept me up until 4AM…so reading is working for me a lot more than writing or anything else. FYI – SiCKO got bootlegged, and is already up on a tracker with about 300 copies finished as of last night. It’ll be on GoogleVideo in no time I’d imagine. I’ll keep my eye out for it.

sign got hacked

  1. One Massachusetts lawmaker, in her own words, who changed her vote on same-sex marriage
  2. A how-to guide for ‘Lucid Dreaming
  3. The Ten Most Common Photographic Mistakes
  4. Norton AntiVirus is A Virus (Author suggests free alternatives)
  5. Man calls for EMS, gets police Tasers
  6. Twenty Things You Should Know About Corporate CrimeDid you know that corporate crime inflicts far more damage on society than all street crime combined?
  7. Matt Sanchez battles constantly over his wiki entry
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3 Responses to Stuffy Monday

  1. Ron says:

    I canned Norton a long time ago. Since then, I’ve been using AVG. They have a version they want you to pay for, but you can download a freeware version, too.

  2. Ron says:

    The Matt Sanchez wiki entry is pretty hilarious.

  3. I’ll try that out Ron. ‘svchost.exe’ is the worst thing that’s ever happened to my PC…I’m pretty sure it’s a hijacker that uses my system to send out spam, and even after I hit the power button and reboot, it’ll pick up where it left off. This will happen when I’m in the middle of writing something or working on an assignment for school…soul crushing at times.

    The Sanchez wiki is something I got roped into reading for about an hour one night, and I’m still not fully recovered from it. If that guy is in Iraq, he’s got a lot of time on his hands for his cyber-image!

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