Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham (late 60s)

Outstanding find, Thank God For YouTube!!! Part 2 is below the fold. (H/T Andrew Sullivan, hockey assist Your Daily Awesome)

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3 Responses to Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham (late 60s)

  1. bernie kosar says:

    If God is so great and all-powerful, why can’t he (or she, ahhhhh!) cure cancer?

  2. bernie kosar says:

    Why can’t we win the war with Iraq?!!!!

  3. In general, if you read the Bible, once human beings bust out onto the scene, God becomes more interested in destroying things over time.

    I guess in that sense, we really are his (or her) children. Only for God, we never grow up and move away. We’re always 2 years old, and we never listen.

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