Journal ~ September 2000

This here is a bit of some journal I’d found a couple weeks ago, long after remembering it was written or still in existence. Very engrossing for me since then, picking it up and catching a glimpse of Al, age 21. Thought I’d drop a couple portions here and there, nothing deep…there’s a lot here, so I basically just opened up a few minutes ago and decided to post whatever was there.

My discussion of things I’m going to write is right in line with my discussions of things I’ve already kicked out ~ Sonic’s transcription is vital now, as I can’t remember a damn thing about what I wrote even a year ago – I imagine it’s good, about as good as it is now I suppose ~ All I’ve really acquired is perception and a problem ~~

Cool PictureI’m through with the match-making racket for good now – Bobby couldn’t have been for real about Julie, couldn’t have been real about anything ~ and my ability to judge a person’s character must not apply to high school students who’ve eaten too much acid ~~

(about 20 days later, Roberta is a roommate) Roberta’s drive for the truth was sickened by her constant contradiction regarding her feelings – her middle name was contradiction, and such a multitude of that viscous swill in anyone’s head is bound to aggravate everyone they are close to – nothing computed logic-wise…ever, it was always a problem (i.e. boyfriend) ~ we’ll use the boyfriend. He’s this rat-like, stingy, selfish bastard who does nothing but burden her and everyone else around him ~ she’s fed up one day & confides in yours’ truly. Agrees with me that he needs to go, for hours and hours she elaborates on how shitty he is & how he needs to go and no more than a day later here they are again ~~

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