Journal ~ December 2000

GOODBYE BLUE MONDAY ~ of methods such as specific manipulation of the body and mind’s emotions as well as its ability to speak to you using signs & language bop that will pop loud or soft depending on how good you’ve been. When it’s tallied, how much did you – affect – infect – kill – produce – accumulate – steal – keep – burn – learn – love – share share – lose ~~

Hunkered over this night’s product – words, words and more words have provoked my right shoulder blade into organizing a non-peaceful protest against my body ~~

Persephone theory – thought if all she ate was 4 then I’m sure the bitch could have gone without – but I kind of like the idea that a woman is responsible for the existence of winter ~~

old man downstairsMy apartment is the only one decorated with Christmas lights for blocks. It’s a good feeling to drive up at night, but I’m fearing burglary now more than ever. The weird guy downstairs would probably figure it out though as during most of the time he’s home you can expect a bolt out of his door upon hearing footsteps…but seeing that I’m the one being robbed they’d probably just kill him and get away with it all. The guy bugs the hell out of my friends when he jumps out of his door like that, and he definitely frightens the girls. Just as well I guess as most of the time all anyone brings here is the potential to make a mess that I end up cleaning every time, but maybe if I related the lights-burglary thinking to him, he’d stay inside just in case. Surely what’s going to go down is the opposite of what I hope for ~~

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2 Responses to Journal ~ December 2000

  1. S. R. says:

    Where was the journal all of this time?

  2. A box in the garage. There’s a bunch of stuff out there, and I’m thinking about treating it as a pick-me-up when I’m sucking wind…head back and find a treasure from the past. In reality…there has to be about 13 or so more of these in various places. I should have consolidated them into one spot and kept an eye on them, but there’s something about my brain that prevents that from happening…it probably has to do with why I can never wear a wrist watch without losing it in under a week.

    There’s a video I’m dying to find, where I took Woody Allen’s ‘Play it Again, Sam’ and switched out the audio to a soundtrack…took me 3 straight days working nonstop in 2000 to put together, with the genesis being a late night whathaveyou…it was incredible how well it synched up…that is somewhere around here, and if I can ever get that from VHS to digital, I could start from there and attempt to recover the audio (mostly bootleg recordings), and see if I could post it on google without getting sued.

    Been feeling lightheaded today – – – annoyances in focus.

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