Monthly Archives: June 2007

RMD – ResMed Inc.

This company manufacturers and sells a medical device known as the CPAP. Consisting of a motor, tube and mask, the CPAP pumps a steady continuous flow of air through the mask and into the nose of a person while they … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | 1 Comment

4 Great Clips

Lewis Black on right-wing paranoia Michael Moore is interviewed by CNBC outside of the New York Stock Exchange (They wouldn’t let him in!) Tommy Chong on Neil Cavuto’s show Classic Barney Frank clip from 2006 (the GOP had just attached … Continue reading

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I haven’t written about anything market-related in a couple weeks. This is mainly due to other demands on my time, but my reading regime hasn’t waned, so the ideas I have are plentiful. One thing that’s on my mind is … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | 1 Comment

The Murder of Jose Padilla

Week after week, this guy Padilla manages to look more and more like the poster child for what Republican authoritarianism is great at producing. There are many more taxpaying victims of small government, anti-New Deal conservatism out there, from Katrina … Continue reading

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The Shadow Government

In honor of the release of CIA documents revealing some of our more shady actions, I wanted to share this documentary called “The Shadow Government”, which appeared on PBS in the mid 1980s amidst the Iran-Contra scandal. Larry Johnson, the … Continue reading

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NBA Draft 2007

The Celts got smacked around once more by the ping-pong curse, and so the #5 pick on Thursday night is what we’ve ended up with after posting the 2nd worst record. As depressing as it was to watch the western … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 4 Comments

If Republicans still controlled Congress…

This hearing on the air quality in New York City in the days and weeks following 9/11 would have never taken place. Christie Todd Whitman wouldn’t have had to sit at a table and answer questions under oath. She wouldn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Justice, Politics, Video | 28 Comments

Woke Up This Morning…

“Writing in his masterwork Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in 1922, Max Weber showed that the “bureaucratic class” (Beamtentum) manipulated state secrets in order to undermine democratic institutions. By wielding security classifications, they could claim an information monopoly and render the parliament … Continue reading

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RIP – Rod Beck

(SF Chronicle) The Giants issued a statement from owner Peter Magowan on Sunday saying, “When our partnership group took over the Giants in 1993, all of San Francisco was treated to a wonderful 103-win year. Nobody who was a part … Continue reading

Posted in Sports | 3 Comments

Health Care Industry Lobbyists View SiCKO (Moore takes questions)

He screened the film for health care industry lobbyists, and they respond to him. I wish a discussion like this could take place on political television…right now there’s virtually none of this on Meet the Press or the other big … Continue reading

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Crispin Glover

This guy played the father of Michael J. Fox on ‘Back to the Future’, and the film he was appearing on Letterman for was a piece of crap called ‘River’s Edge’. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 1 Comment

Fortune Cookies

Either in school or on TV (or maybe I read about it), there was a study performed where 50 or so people were in a room and given a horoscope that was color-coded based on what the person’s sign was. … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Religion | 1 Comment

Let Them Stay

Voices of US War Resisters in Canada

Posted in Military, Video | 4 Comments

Nirvana & The Meatpuppets – Oh Me, Plateau

Oh Me, then Plateau – RIP Kurt

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US Soldier Fears Fratracide

Posted on Soldier Voices Forum – this is a soldier who is in need of some help. I’ve neglected the email chain that alerted me to this for about a day now because of school, but now that I’ve read … Continue reading

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Coco Crisp

Last night he was sprinting to his right after a gaper, and with the wide angle about a half a second off of the bat, it looked like he’d never be able to get there. The play ends up looking … Continue reading

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Ben Shapiro – Satellite Humanity

Ben Shapiro (Orthodox Jew, very smart, controversial young writer) writes in a piece at – ‘The Radical Evil Of The Palestinian Arab Population‘: The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core…in the end, the blame must lie with … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen | 8 Comments

Health Care Video

This is a good one.

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Stuffy Monday

Sam is sick, and I’m running on fumes after a project for school kept me up until 4AM…so reading is working for me a lot more than writing or anything else. FYI – SiCKO got bootlegged, and is already up … Continue reading

Posted in Words | 3 Comments

The Best of Stewie Griffin (vol. 1-6)

Best of Stewie 5 more below the fold

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Father’s Day

Hallmark can kiss my ass…

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The General’s Report

Seymour Hersh’s latest essay is a case study on how the military has been turned into a dirty beast under George W. Bush’s watch. Focusing on retired Army Major General Antonio M. Taguba’s experience as the first investigator to focus … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 2 Comments

Lee Kaplan Sues Blogger and Wins

I don’t know much about Kaplan’s work, but have learned that he’s a right-winger who has earned himself an opposition site dedicated to him called ‘Lee Kaplan Watch‘. One Kaplan article I did read, basically blamed the Virginia Tech shootings … Continue reading

Posted in Justice | 5 Comments

Vintage Bush (assist from Peter Pace)

Remembering the Peter Pace days…we’ll be celebrating this man’s storied career for months I’m sure, but in order to do this right, we’ve got to really delve into the details of what he was able to provide to our country. … Continue reading

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Documentary on Ralph Nader

An Unreasonable Man:

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Supreme Bureaucracy

(Article) This is a bad sign. Regardless of what the inmate was convicted of or whether he’s guilty of the crime, everyone has the constitutional right to appeal their conviction to a higher court. In this case, a lower court … Continue reading

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Digable Planets – Where I’m From

If you haven’t – You need to…”Food for thought so get a buffet plate ~ The lyrics are so phat you might gain weight”

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Massachusetts Gay Marriage to Remain Legal

(Andrew Sullivan is rightly excited about this) A proud and historic day for the Commonwealth! “In Massachusetts today, the freedom to marry is secure,” Gov. Deval Patrick said after the legislature voted 151 to 45 against the amendment, which needed … Continue reading

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Vintage PSA – “Who taught you how to use this stuff?”

There were at least 1001 ways my brother and I would riff on this public service announcement while growing up. It never gets old:

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Hortatory Subjunctive

(h/t TPM Muckraker) Four years of Latin for me in high school didn’t put me anywhere near the level John Sarbanes is communicating from, but it was pretty cool to see this and know what they were talking about. Laurita … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Words | 4 Comments