Monthly Archives: May 2007

Celebrating Murder (9/2/04)

Another one from the vault, ‘Celebrating Murder’ was my overall impression of the GOP national convention that year, as 9/11 was the star of the show from beginning to end. Giuliani was featured, and within his speech were eleven shout-outs … Continue reading

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Phish – Ghost Jam 7-6-98

The cut in is at the last chorus of Ghost, and Trey sets up his loops then has an out of body experience, with a SICK start-stop towards the end before it cuts off. Guitar heads of any musical genre … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Video | 2 Comments

Slave Army

The United States Army is continuing along in Iraq, with as healthy an appreciation of self as your average heroin junky or to be even more precise, a hardcore gasoline huffing aficionado hunkered over its favorite can. Woozy, deteriorated and … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 7 Comments

General Eaton to Dubya

Dear Mr. President – Today, in your veto message regarding the bipartisan legislation just passed on Operation Iraqi Freedom, you asserted that you so decided because you listen to your commanders on the ground. Respectfully, as your former commander on … Continue reading

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Golden State Warriors

How unlikely is this? Up 3-1 on the Mavs… Not very (it would seem), but when Larry Bird went on a mid-season “attitude purge”, he undoubtedly gave Don Nelson and his Warriors a new lease on life. Take it for … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 12 Comments

My Foggo’s No Longer Dusty

Everything works now with the video (thanks Nick!) – I encourage everyone to head over and check out the videos posted over at Hootsbuddy’s Place – Because I’ve been slow to get this plugin working, I’m posting a couple now … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 2 Comments