Soldier Speaks Out; Military Funerals Turn Wholesale

blue man in a red districtBlue Man who blogs on Blue Man in a Red District is doing great things in support of the military these days. Before I had the chance to highlight this first story, there was a second one that blew me away.

A Soldier Speaks Out: No wonder the military elites have worked to silence these hero’s. They provide an accurate first person account of what exactly is going on in Iraq. This recent post by Alex provides greater perspective on the clusterfuck in Iraq.

Monthly memorial to replace individual soldier funeral: Fort Lewis was my favorite duty assignment of all. Not only did I serve in a great unit, the 1st Battalion 23rd Infantry “Tomahawks”, but I enjoyed the mild winters and summers, as well as the scenery of Mt St Helens, Puget Sound and other west coast treasures…Soldier from Fort Lewis are dying in such high numbers that the post is unable to perform individual ceremonies.” From the Post Commander:

“As much as we would like to think otherwise, I am afraid that with the number of soldiers we now have in harm’s way, our losses will preclude us from continuing to do individual memorial ceremonies,”

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2 Responses to Soldier Speaks Out; Military Funerals Turn Wholesale

  1. Matt Sanchez says:

    How many have died? How has the military “worked to silence their heroes”?? I’m sitting here in Fallujah Iraq, I hear military talking all the time. Who writes this stuff?

  2. Matt, I’m quite sure that you are at the epicenter of everything taking place within Iraq – notified regularly by everyone about everything – there is absolutely nothing that gets by you.

    I don’t doubt that for a moment…but, as to your question of “Who writes this stuff?” – if you follow the links, you’ll see that they are the words of actual soldiers who are inside Iraq.

    Just like you…

    That they don’t spend their time criticizing the media, pretending that news stories are fabricated by a paper like the Wall Street Journal (as you alleged in your post), speaks volumes to their lack of an agenda.

    I’d prefer to keep this above-board, and just about the soldiers and marines we’re quoting here, but I have to let you know that you’ve been mentioned on here in the past. To catch up on what that entails:

    bList – Opening Day

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