Portfolios A & B (consolidation)

I’m not sure if everyone can see the content of these links, but I’m posting them just in case:

Portfolio A
Portfolio B
Porfolio B – transaction log (on Yahoo, when you sell all of your holdings in a stock, it still appears on your list. I couldn’t figure out how to get rid of those, and so I decided to just create a new one on Friday by transferring the info from one to the other)

Basically I’ve decided to liquidate the first one and fold it into the second one, as with another semester starting up tomorrow, having to focus on more than one won’t work. So I sold everything, and added the $102,815.36 from A to B. In calculating the total gain from the new combined portfolio, I’ll use $1,102,815.36 as a starting point. As of Friday, the total value is $1,130,272.77 (+2.49%). Please someone let me know if the holdings don’t show up right by clicking through those links above.

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20 Responses to Portfolios A & B (consolidation)

  1. BUY CLZR 3000 11.50
    BUY CVTX 3500 11.13
    BUY ORCL 2000 19.25
    All opening bell buys

  2. BUY STEM 15000 2.53 12:26
    BUY CVX 1000 83.12

    At this point I’ve got around 14K left over, and I’m wondering why I ever messed around with thinking I’d make a short play on STEM with so much easier money out there. Great day so far. Total I’m up about .75% for the day, and with the investment in Chevron, I should be adequately proportioned in energy for the summer. PBR is up another 1.93 so far, and my one mining stock ACI is up 1.50.

    Again I’ll post the link, and if anyone can see this come up right, let me know – Peace Al


  3. bmili says:

    it will be interesting to see if the dollar can keep/extend its recent gains as it has been bringing commodities prices down and hurting metals/mining stocks.

  4. bmili says:

    this is hypothetical so there is no emotion involved but here is my Zack’s challenge portfolio (started year with $100k now about $123k and ranked in the top 200):

  5. I never knew there was such a thing. I’m starting one today! Nice pick with Peabody – – – love the ticker symbol (BTU)…kind of like transatlantic (RIG), heh…top 200 is no joke. I think that it’d be wise for guys like you I to keep up with this over a number of years, get our certifications and start our own funds.

    I’ve been dreaming of it for years now. I figure the key is having a track record over a period of years, verifiable, to where the credibility hump is conquered not by a piece of paper saying you’re “qualified” to do it for a living, but rather a historical presentation of strategies and returns that are right there.

  6. bmili says:

    alot of the top guys day traded penny stocks but then Zacks made a rule that you had to hold the stock for at least a day. ultimately the contest is for a $100k job with zacks, the top 100 are reviewed and judges pick. Back in Feb I was in the top 30 but the correction then knocked me down, slowly climbing back up.

  7. Well I’m in now, late in the game I suppose, but we’ll see. Only had time for three trades, so I picked up Tenarsis, Chevron and Canadian Natural Resources – – –

    You’re in the running for sure, as there must be thousands of people participating. This is a good way to find talent for this company! If this immigration thing goes through…”guest workers” and all, we can probably expect similar competition for dishwasher jobs in another 30 years…

    That February correction was a bummer! I started the portfolio I’ve consolidated everything into on Feb 1st, so it was right out of the gate and BOOM, a shotgun blast to the face.

    Noticed a real estate stock on your list…I was thinking about whether it was time to dip a toe into that water again. What are your thoughts?

  8. bmili says:

    there about around 28k players according to zacks, im sure alot of them never did anything with their portfolio though. i had bought AHM thinking the subprime crisis was overrated (which i still think it is, they are not subprime, they do alot of ARMs though). They are paying out a great dividend but they got hurt by the lack of strong bids for mortgage backed securities less than AAA. Instead of making 1.10/share q1 they made .60/share or so and cut future dividends from 1.12/share to .70/share. I work in the mortgage industry and I think it has adjusted nicely to the subprime fiasco. the market created new products and is working to cut down on delinquencies without any govt intervention. i would say in the next 3-4 months the industry goes back up.

  9. I’d imagine it would be hard as hell to sell those bundled mortgage bonds at this point…a product I’m seeing is something where you consolidate debt using equity in your house, but for bad credit applicants they’ll give you a 12%+ rate, and the broker apparently says that in three months they can “adjust it down”…does this sound familiar?

    What kind of guidance are you getting from FHA? Are their instructions/standards clear as day, or is it kind of fuzzy?

    My take as an investor when it comes to that business, is as long as the people selling the loans can KNOW what is possible, the process gets dragged out sometimes. When they quote (not “quote” but let’s say “provide guidance of what they think will get approved”) something and it comes back the other way, it stresses the whole thing out over time.

    Knowing how this government can waffle at times. And does Fannie Mae scare the hell out of me!!! I read about them every couple months or so…did you catch this, that they were so big that they kind of decided unilaterally that they weren’t going to adhere to Sarbanes/Oxley? I think it was in Barrons a couple weeks ago where I read that. Wasn’t out of their ability to do so…they just figured they could tell the SEC to go f*&k themselves and get away with it.

  10. SELL 25,700 STEM 2.60 12:30PM

  11. bmili says:

    Fannie Mae has always kinda been a trainwreck from what I understand. I have only been in the mortgage industry a year now and work for the accounting department of the servicing branch of a REIT. So I don’t deal with the loan products, mainly our investor accounts. The thing with the bulk loans being sold was that your risk could be diversified as an investor but with delinquencies rising; investor’s were really only paying for the top notch stuff even though alot of stuff getting hit was still investment grade. I know what we have done is be more preemptive about identifying those risks by holding onto the loans for a longer period of time to screen out the loans that are delinquent/potentially delinquent problems. That way you can get a better price knowing that the investor will be getting a better quality product. Alot of the new loan products I read about are loans where you can swap up to two times a year between ARMs and Fixed rate for $250 a pop, the catch is you pay about .5% more for that type of loan. But the flexibility is there, which I think is the most important part in making sure the industry fully recovers.

  12. bmili says:

    I just knew Fannie Mae was gonna be a mess when Deloitte took them as a client a few years ago when I was an intern and when I came to my current position, Fannie Mae was going through some problems with the quality of their loans i think.

  13. BUY CNQ 64.42 1335

  14. SELL PRU 100.31 900
    BUY ACOR 21.32 1200
    BUY ORCL 19.10 2000
    BUY PBR 107.07 250

  15. SELL STEM 27500 2.48
    SELL ACOR 2000 20.34

    This gives me 108,904 in cash to put into play this week. Both of these stocks were initial long term plays, but I’m not feeling it at this point. Still trying to find the right mix here, and to be honest, I’d like to make 50% of the entire nut BAM and CNQ

  16. BUY GS 125 230.30
    BUY BAM 650 63.50
    BUY MLM 250 154.52
    5/31 2:07PM

    I’ll post a detailed update on Friday (school permitting). I took advantage of the dips in these three today, and the 108K I had to work with is now invested fully.

    Yesterday was great with over a full percentage point gain, but today I’m down .08% as of right now.

  17. SELL CVTX 3500 10.16 $35,560
    SELL CLZR 3000 10.92 $32.760
    BUY BAM 1700 40.92

  18. bmili says:

    I think UPS is a good buy right now before the seasonal runup for Christmas. hows the zacks portfolio doing?

  19. SELL 500 MLM 153.62
    BUY 2015 BAM 38.10

  20. SELL 1000 CVX 79.66
    BUY 741 PBR 107.51

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