Portfolio B (5/17/07)

Professor Frink SaysConsolidating down to 11 stocks, I’ve recently gone in on STEM and added to my number of CNQ shares, while liquidating 6 stocks for $179K in cash. I’m looking closely at South Korean ADRs right now, and hope to allocate at least $50K very soon, to hopefully capitalize on the new trade deal that may get approved very soon. An influx of US beef into that market is a key element, but I’m pretty dumb at this point when it comes to that commodity. Besides TS, STEM and MLM – I’m long on all of these picks, and will take a hands off approach.

Ticker Shares Price Value Gain/Loss
ACI 1000 38.22 $38,220.00 +11.22%
ACOR 800 22.57 $18,056.00 +00.09%
ADBE 1650 42.29 $69,778.50 +00.95%
BAM 1250 65.13 $81,400.00 +16.60%
CNQ 2200 63.66 $140,074.00 +03.36%
GS 325 227.11 $73,810.75 +02.93%
MLM 250 141.58 $35,395.00 +03.34%
PBR 900 406.49 $95,841.00 +13.24%
PRU 900 101.92 $91,728.00 +04.65%
STEM 40000 2.56 $102,400.00 -00.29%
TS 2000 45.42 $90,840.00 -01.10%
CASH $178,790.91
TOTAL $1,016,332.16 +1.63%

SELL IAU 400 65.69 5/16/07 4:00PM
SELL FITB 250 41.38 5/16/07 4:00PM
SELL USG 200 48.06 5/16/07 4:00PM
SELL PPP 350 51.32 5/16/07 4:00PM
SELL BSC 250 149.58 5/16/07 4:00PM
SELL NTES 2000 17.70 5/16/07 4:00PM

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2 Responses to Portfolio B (5/17/07)

  1. bmili says:

    that is definately a speculative play with STEM; from a couple years back I knew they were embryonic; just running past the numbers ASTM has better revenue/eps plus they do adult or chord still. I think adult is where it is at speculatively but would need more research on specific companies. plus they show more promise, as my brother told me, embryonic stem cells just divide while adult stem cells conform. Notice you sold USG, OC is probably cheaper and has more upside though both are being hurt by the housing industry. Don’t know all the details of the S.K. trade deal but I didnt recall that the beef thing would get through or not. If it does, beef prices will continue to go higher as we use an absurd amount of corn for ethanol instead of food. I know of a chinese adr ticker AOB, been following it since it was $5; now its $10-11. They make supplements, there main one uses soybeans. You could add some dividend stocks such as PGH (canadian oil trust), NSH (valero lim partnership spinoff), or a REIT.

  2. Absolutely, but I’m strictly short on this play. ASTM actually has a moving average that appears to indicate progress over 6-12 months. This was purely a technical play, with the bottom in STEM having been reached and the plateau matured…I expect a breakout to at least 2.90, where I plan on dumping about 60% of the shares, keeping a pullback trigger to sell the rest at 2.80, and if the stock rises above 3.05, I’ll keep that range for a long position with what’s left.

    My patience for something like this is around 4 months, and the only reason I decide to do this is because of the three most recent pullbacks, and how this one was in between the first two (2.65 Jan, 2.42 Mar, 2.51 this time – my shares were bought at 2.61, 2.52, 2.53 averaging out to 2.56) – this dynamic I find to be encouraging when it takes place with a small cap stock with high volatility. Much less risky than trying to play one of those first two pullbacks. As the establishment of a base price that doesn’t get obliterated for 6 months of these cycles, seemingly unaffected by bad news, as was the case with the March 7 1Q loss report, which still didn’t cause the shares to break past those two previous points I mentioned above. In fact, it only took two weeks for the stock to make for the selloff on the 7th and 8th.

    I definitely screwed the pooch on that first buy at 2.61, but had planned on hedging if the price went down from there, which it did. 20K for the first buy, 10K for both the 2nd and 3rd.

    I’ve got to go get the boys (naptime has ended), but I’m going to take a look at all those stocks that you mentioned.

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