Burst Asunder is a soldier in Iraq

Here’s the post I just read. Please take the time to visit his site and send him some love with your comments – The Iraqi Army:

We conducted a joint operation with the Iraqi Army back in December, 2006. We integrated “IA” personnel with us and went house to house through a neighborhood in Baghdad. We were searching houses for weapons and getting a feel for the community. I’d like to add that the people of Baghdad are some of the nicest, most hospitable and interesting people I’ve met.

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3 Responses to Burst Asunder is a soldier in Iraq

  1. Ron says:

    Tremendous post – a really great read.

  2. Indeed – I’m a big fan of this guy’s writing. I’m glad there are more people discovering his and other blogs from within the occupation…within this sweat-shop-military. I’ve got another one ready to highlight in the next day or so, and continue to prowl around for more of the best. If anyone else comes across one, let me know.

    Hal Kimball is on point with the need to promote these soldiers as well over at Blue Man in a Red District. That link right there is a tribute to a soldier that goes by ‘Army of Dude’ on his blog…Hal puts in some serious work on this one, and anyone who was impressed by ‘Burnt Asunder’ needs to scope out what he put together for ‘Army of Dude’!

  3. Alex says:

    Small world ain’t it? Justin Thompson of Burst Asunder was in my platoon, and for a time was my team leader. Hiss carefree attitude gave us confidence to express our more dissenting opinions.

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