Monthly Archives: April 2007

Some Stern Inspiration

I’ve been writing tonight over at a site I’d known about for a while, but for some reason hadn’t registered at (SternFanNetwork). Since I debate politics online 95% of the time or more, the connection hadn’t been made until now. … Continue reading

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Sopranos Season 7 – Who Gets Dead First?

I’m sure there are betting lines out there for all this, but I’ve only got about 30 minutes until the first episode of this final season kicks off. One name I feel has a grave-bound destiny by the hands of … Continue reading

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Georgia Thompson – DOJ Victim

I’m shooting for an entirely fact-based formated blog post, and here’s one on a casualty of the politicization of the Justice Department. The woman’s name is Georgia Thompson, and her life was ruined for the sake of a Republican’s campaign … Continue reading

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bQuoteBazaar – Iraq War

“Sending more Americans would undermine our strategy of encouraging Iraqis to take the lead in this fight. And sending more Americans would suggest that we intend to stay forever, when we are, in fact, working for the day when Iraq … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 1 Comment

Riding On Old Yeller

The Bush Doctrine of pre-emption was outdone on its own terms yesterday, as at least three hours passed in between Iran’s release of the British sailors they had detained and any sort of reaction from the White House. As damning … Continue reading

Posted in History, Military, Words | 14 Comments

bBlogBouillabaisse – For the Benefit of Mr. Kite

Chuck Missler debunks that evolution is real: “If the theory of evolution is viable, then when I open this jar of peanut butter, not often, but on occasion new life will come out of there”. – This is otherwise known … Continue reading

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bList – Opening Day

75/1 – Odds on the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series this year (Vegas) 12/1 – Odds on the Boston Red Sox 4/1 – Odds on the Evil Empire 7 – Months of state-side recovery time given to HQ 4th … Continue reading

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John Ashcroft: Filthy Whore

John Ashcroft leaves government to become a lobbyist, and with the inherent credibility boost that comes with having once been the Attorney General, he aimed to score clients that were looking to cash in on the Homeland Security bonanza using … Continue reading

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House Judiciary Passes Article of Impeachment Against President Bush

How’s THIS for a Sunday morning! I might even skip my coffee today…as a sacrifice to the Gods. From The Largest Minority: WASHINGTON – The first article of impeachment against President George W. Bush was passed by the House Judiciary … Continue reading

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…and another thing

Semester #7 out of 10 is in the books as of 3AM last night, and I’m feeling free-range at the moment because of it. The list of topics I wanted to post on, but simply ended up filing away over … Continue reading

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