First videos on deadissue – Tillman/Lynch Hearing

(Hootsbuddy hasn’t been able to view this, so can everyone do me a favor and indicate in a comment whether you can view this video or not and what type of browser you’re using for the internet? Thanks!) This was the trial run, with much more to come. Figured it was fitting to start off with one that truly defies just about every ethical standard imaginable, and in the scope of this war, highlights perfectly the lack of honesty within this administration since day one…does anyone actually believe that Rumsfeld and the White House were not knowingly complicit in the shameful, dishonest exploitation of Pat Tillman’s death? (New video from Tillman/Lynch hearing posted after the fold)

This exchange between Rep. Dennis Kucinich and Kevin Tillman, delved into the destruction of Patrick Tillman’s property, which has still not been explained. Why would they cut his clothes off and destroy them?
Specialist Davis explains how his written witness statement was taken (never reviewed, printed, signed) and how it was changed as it went up the chain – yet still attributed to him.

Mary Tillman testifying on a topic I wrote about the other day – an Army colonel stated that because the Tillmans weren’t Christians, they’d never get over it:

MORE SHADY SHADY SHADY Army behavior – two clips here get into how a general (who pleaded the 5th to avoid incriminating himself by testifying at this very hearing) seems to be at a critical position within the conspiracy, and how he already knew Tillman was killed by friendly-fire, but still used the invented story at Tillman’s funeral:

Chairman Henry Waxman’s opening statement:
Jessica Lynch’s opening statement:

If I find any more, or if you find any more that should be up here, feel free to let me know and I’ll congregate whatever is out there in this post and link to it on the left panel as a reference point. Unlike in the past…these will never go anywhere. This video will be posted on websites across the globe from now until the end of time. When a right-winger is trashing these people, you can link them up with this thread and then ask them if they watched the videos. If they refuse to do so, then whoever is lurking on that debate will know which one of you is full of it!

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4 Responses to First videos on deadissue – Tillman/Lynch Hearing

  1. Hootsbuddy says:

    Uh, something’s not happening. No video coming in here. Is it possible that the server withdrew it?
    I embed YouTube stuff all the time, but sometimes I know they disable or withdraw some.

  2. It’s still working on my end. I’ll look into this. Thanks dude!!! If anyone else notices that some functionality I’m advertising isn’t working, please let me know, because sometimes (like now), I haven’t yet installed a plugin for the feature, but figured out a “duct tape” way of somehow getting it to work.

    Time for Bill Maher – – – I’ll definitely check this out when I get back. Hootsbuddy – what browser are you using to surf the net? I’m using Mozilla Firefox…are you using IE or on a Mac?

  3. Lisa says:

    Good for the Tillman family. It just burns me up how all these conservative talking heads are all turning on the Tillman family and Jessica Lynch. Another case of supporting the troops only when it fits their agenda and turning on them when it doesn’t.

  4. Indeed! This had been a trend on the right even back in 2004. I remember having seen a clip of Ann Coulter on Hannity and Colmes talking up Pat Tillman in a way that was demeaning to liberals…and when Colmes pointed out that Tillman read Noam Chomsky, she just said “I don’t believe it.” So there…

    Someone who reads Noam Chomsky cannot be a patriotic American. Someone who reads Noam Chomsky cannot be a professional football player that gives up his career to enlist. If that were true (which it is), then they’d obviously have to lie about it.

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