Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Dana RohrabacherUS Army Reserves Colonel (Retired) Ann Wright:
Rohrabacher said if European countries did not cooperate with the United States and go along with whatever the Bush administration wanted, they were condemning their countrymen to death by not using extralegal methods to imprison terrorist suspects…Then, much to the shock and disbelief of everyone in the hearing room, Rohrabacher said to those who had expressed displeasure at his statements: “I hope itโ€™s your family members that die when terrorists strike.” (at a House Committee Hearing!)

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6 Responses to Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

  1. JoeC says:

    So in essence, Rohrabacher is saying that he supports the terrorists (as long as they strike the innocent family members of those who oppose what the Bush administration wants. But, as far as terrorists killing innocent people, he did say he hopes they are successful. What a nice guy.

  2. It’s a clue as to how much water that whole “fight them over there so we’re not fighting them over here” line carries these days. Rohrabacher used that one last year on Real Time w/ Bill Maher, and it was kind of scary to hear…though this most recent episode is much worse, as it insulted foreigners that we had invited to come speak with us.

    If politics doesn’t end up being Rohrabacher’s key to success in later years, I’m quite sure he’d fit in well within Israel’s Lukid Party…that’s what it sounded most like when I read it initially.

  3. Lisa says:

    He’s my congressman here in San Pedro. Yuck. How disappointing!

  4. That sucks! When I lived in the eastern part of Massachuetts, I felt good knowing Bill Delahunt and Barney Frank were representing those around me…at least when they speak in Congress and on talk shows, they don’t sound like Teddy Ruxbin dolls (remember those?)…I saw Rohrabacher on Bill Maher’s show one time last year, and it was really sad how he seemed to be in almost a military mindset about his role in the government…that it was his job to not only parrot everything the RNC told him to say, but that he actually had to believe it also.

    His resume prior to running for public office was damned impressive too! This episode here effects every American. So I’m more pissed about this outburst than anything else he’s ever said. This was like us sending Rush Limbaugh over to the Middle East to serve as our ambassador…he’s over there hawking his ‘Club Gitmo’ gear and whatnot…

  5. Lisa says:

    Well it doesn’t help at all when he has constitiuents like these empowering him. Take a look http://www.minutemanproject.com
    http://www.jimgilchrist.com Jim Gilchrist the founder. god he even has “Christ” in his name. This group is so evil. I’m all for immigration control but they are pure evil. Read his “about” section. Rohrabacher represents THE wealthiest areas of CA. Anyone who has lived here knows how expensive the cost of living for average folks like me is. The worst person they could have sent. F*ck him. Oooh and I do remember Teddy Ruxpin. That was a long time ago ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. S. R. says:

    Bill Thomas was my congresman for a LONG time so I sympathize with Lisa.

    I’ve heard Rohrbacher before and he is still a blowhard.

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