Sebastian Telfair

Sebastian TelfairHe was driving 77 in a 45, with a piece under his seat, one which his friend riding shotgun failed to claim, so who knows if some work was put in with it before the owner broke into Telfair’s whip and stashed it without him knowing…like some territory was occupied by this fierce soldier named Lester James, aka Ball Peen, with iron stashed in six spots near where the lookouts can get a grip on the key to their rise up from there to the stash, then the money, and who knows…but Ball Peen caught one in the shoulder this day about six months back, and who knows what takes down all the top earners in the end besides time ticking lost in a daydream they thought was real life.

Youngin’ looking around for a hot minute, and ends up with two he’s got to make it back home with, so it’s up the back of the school and into the woods until po-po’s done and it’s safe to try getting the two 9s home without any hassle, which he does, but the crew that took over don’t need anyone, so he’s got nothing to do and no money to spend…see, this is Telfair’s story right here, and to know him for a minute is to know what kind of danger he’s in every single day of his life. Waking up and going to the bathroom in the morning could mean his life ending via hollow-point.

That’s the street-cred back story, but the ten grand he forwarded me to write that and a few pages more is (already spent on booze and scratch tickets) not going to be enough if he’s ever going to live down this last episode where he’s pulled over and doesn’t get in the cop’s face, no profanity…nothing. Once word of this gets out, Telfair won’t be able to live it down. No straight-up thug goes all quiet like that unless they’re not what they say they are. So I figured that while on the clock, I’d burn a copy of ‘Straight Outta Compton’ and send it along, with a note to spend a lot of time on track #3…and if there’s any time left, improve his jump shot. (Source)

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4 Responses to Sebastian Telfair

  1. Anonymous says:

    didn’t we blow a top 10 pick on this guy?

  2. Indeed we did, but we also unloaded an albatross in Lafrenz, whose contract was still 3 years from being over. I don’t think he even played but a couple games for Portland this season. They’re used to burning through money.

  3. Anonymous says:

    wtDAfuck i heard he sucks.

  4. If he could hit jump shots, he’d be a starter in the NBA. Not only doesn’t he know when to pull up and take one, but when he’s wide open he often hesitates.

    Telfair is a perfect example of a high school player that wasn’t ready to come out of the oven yet. He is someone that needed a couple years in college to learn how to play the game.

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