Tonight’s South Park

let's scissorI’ve got a feeling of dread right now…knowing how they like to jump right on the big story. In the “going too far” category, I don’t know of any show or entertainer that does it as often as they do, with the consistent comedy requirement needed to get away with it. Howard Stern certainly tops South Park in this regard over the long haul, but over the past 2 seasons, Trey Parker has been on another planet.

Kind of like Trey Anastasio on some nights, you can almost picture the spirit swell within the virtuoso, understanding the entire time that the blessing of your appreciation constitutes one of those pings of the tuning fork, and as it reverberates, the sensation is what reassures your soul, soothes your mind and makes up for what the body will always lack – more as it withers old age – in a moment you’re mesmerized or laughing in whoops like an idiot…the sustenance of temporary tombstone inscriptions telling the cosmos you understo od something and that you were here, awestruck satisfaction provided by the great ones who just knew what the hell they were doing.

This makes the fact that there’s no more Phish tour, no more Phil Lesh & Friends with the Warren Haynes, Jimmy Herring, John Molo and Rob Baracco lineup…shit, no more nothing that takes place outside of this house entertainment-wise, but there is South Park and it continues to kick me in the ear often enough that I’d actually worry about something like all the kids sitting in the classroom with sidearms…Timmy with a grenade…self defense, since the shootings taught everyone who lived in the town that in order to survive, they’d need a lot more bullets in a lot more guns, safeties off, in the hands of everyone old enough to squeeze the trigger. If they did go there…

What the hell am I worried about? They could pull off anything at this point. Right?

Update:  Wow – I was way off.  The homeless…very very very wrong.

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One Response to Tonight’s South Park

  1. bernie kosar says:


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