Somewhere between Belarus and Zimbabwe

spring breakProtests in the United States have been easier to ignore in the age of oblivion, with more than enough channels and free pornography out there to keep the majority busy, background checks prior to getting hired for a dream job, and of course the prerequisite for rioting in this country has been resigned to when sports teams win championships, a seriously troublesome swing of the ‘when to riot’ pendulum from outrage to drunken celebration. Thousands of Americans were detained for a couple days in cages somewhere within NYC during the GOP convention in 2004, apparently for being alive outside of a designated zone, but outside of the apple it hasn’t been all that rowdy from what I can tell.

To ‘go Moscow’ on someone, is a phrase I created to describe a powerful entity going hard on someone who is little, not only to punish them for their transgressions of thought against ‘the leader’ or ‘management’, but to set an example that will convince other like-minded little ones to shut up and do what they’re told. China had Tiananmen Square, the United States had 6 years of Nixon, and Russia is open for business 7 days a week, 52 weeks each year, with enough clubs, poison and pressure hoses to last from now until there’s no water left. Vladimir Putin and his top-notch thug apparatus is good at killing the disloyal, and perhaps even better at pummeling the shit out of protesters.

One of these protesters I’ve been reading about more and more gary kasparovover the past couple years is a man named Gary Kasparov. Meaningful to me, in that he was the world chess champion during the years I was playing in tournaments as a kid, now even more that he’s the most recognizable face amongst the hundreds and sometimes thousands of protesters calling out Putin’s government on a regular basis. His words are crafted in a way that gets me excited, and his profile is that of a national hero to Russians because of how well he represented the country playing chess.

Kasparov, upon his release from prison, seemingly unfazed by his detention, stood atop the courthouse steps said, “It is no longer a country…where the government tries to pretend it is playing by the letter and spirit of the law. We now stand somewhere between Belarus and Zimbabwe…”

Important to note that he is not protesting the government via satellite from somewhere nice, he wasn’t wearing a pink t-shirt, or doing it exclusively through editorials and a blog, but instead is right there in the thick of it, getting his skull thumped and thrown in jail with the rest of them. It makes a former and current chess geek like yours truly happy to know that leadership and bravery are still vital ingredients in the formula of greatness, and in the face of Moscow, someone like Kasparov defines what this means in the sort of way our treasured “founding fathers” might have.

russian womanWhen will one of our national heroes build up the courage to not only stand atop a platform and say something at a permitted rally, but put feet on the ground and become a real unassailable thorn in the sides of our own Putins? Spit in the face of whichever right-winger carries out a Cindy Sheehan (little becoming big) attack on them, and most importantly, be willing to go down with the ship along with the little people as well. An agent and publicist’s nightmare…a nation’s dream. (Sources: AP, NYTimes)

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7 Responses to Somewhere between Belarus and Zimbabwe

  1. Grunt says:

    As an American which fought for our country in many theaters of war, I have always been trained to fight the enemy. My foremost enemy, before terrorism came along, has always been the communist movement and members of communist groups. I am appalled and disgusted at the way our media and bloggers such as yourself support Kasparov along with his supporters of pro-communist derelicts (the Russians were nice to those fools, I would have silenced those clowns forever). You only know him as being a force of opposition to Vladimir Putin. However, his group is called the United Civil Front, which is closely affiliated along with the National Bolshevik Party, Communist Party, Avant-Garde of Red Youth, and Council of Communist Party. With that said, do you support communism?? If you do, get on a plane and head over to a Communist friendly country. However, if you go to Russia you may get thumped. If you continue talking about recklessly in the U.S. you may get thumped too. However, I don’t think you are a communist supporter; you are simply ignorant of the facts and simply mislead. Do your research, and look up some pictures of the march which Kasparov led. You will find several symbols of communism about. Do you think they changed the meaning of that symbol, or do you think that is the symbol of democracy. Do the math and stop supporting that fool!!! You of all people should be completely against Kasparov. He may have been a mentor to you in chess, that doesn’t mean he is a mentor in political philosophy. I think I just saved you from a Kasparov Check-Mate. Your welcome and do the right thing!!!

    Devil Dog

  2. My admiration of Kasparov is in his willingness to stand up to what he sees as an oppressive government, which Putin’s regime certainly is, even in the face of murders that continue to take place of journalists, professionals or other people inside or outside Russia’s borders who dared to criticize.

    Kasparov represents a rarity in Russia, as a man with everything to lose, though too much of a devoted base of admirers to risk murdering at this time. KGB must first make it look like an accident, because any evidence otherwise – OR – the type of heavy-handed investigatory work that Putin’s been known to rely on in sweeping details out of the publics’ reach…either option would make Kasparov a martyr and energize his followers at a level which would surpass the man’s influence were he still alive.

    I understand your argument about communism, and you are correct that the hammer and sickle are on many of the flags photographed at that march.

    It is a political philosophy that runs in the opposite direction of laissez faire capitalism, but is much less harmful to mankind than the propaganda of the cold war managed to convince us of for so long.

    Democratic nations like Venezuela and Russia can just as easily (as they have) pull assets from the market, expel foreign companies and turn these into state controlled entities…both have done so in regards to the oil sector, and Chavez is doing it with the telecommunications sector as well. Communism isn’t the political flag these two leaders are operating beneath. Communism, democracy, socialism, etc…has nothing to do with it.

    Those are ideas. What I’m concerned about is policy and action. To suppress the vote or corrupt elections (Putin), suppress free speech by using murder as a deterrent…that my friend, is a fight worth dying for, because if nobody else does, it’ll only get worse.

    The ONLY reason Kasparov is still alive today, is because Putin and the power brokers in Russia are mindful of the Bolshevik Revolution, and that the same thing can and will happen again as long as the authoritarianism and election fraud continue spiking upwards as both have been throughout Putin’s time in office.

    I care nothing about Kasparov’s politics, as I imagine is the case with many of his supporters in Russia who are simply against Putin declaring himself a Czar, which is precisely what he’s doing and has been doing for far too long now.

    Thanks for your comment Devil Dog!

  3. Grunt says:

    Well in that case let’s support communism? You can twist and contort your philosophy as much as you like; however, the fact of the matter is communism is communism. The single most basic fallacy underlying the Kasparov cause is to install democracy using communism. How absurd!! If you support it a little bit or give it your full support, you are supporting communism. Your argument is weak. Need I list the record of wisdom and foresight for you in terms of communists? One can find many more suitable candidates to take Russia into the right direction; however, a communist is not a good candidate unless one would like Russia to become communist again. One does not use a pistol to resuscitate a dying patient – communism can not be used as a vehicle to install democracy. It can never happen. Your argument is nothing more than a comedy of errors which can potentially be more destructive rather than constructive. Wake up, man. What are you thinking!!! The fact you continue to support your statement is absolutely astonishing. You appear committed to fighting a Putin dictatorship with communism – the greatest threat to peace and happiness in the world. Your argument is one a Patriotic American will never endorse. You may want to rethink your position.

    Devil Dog

  4. How is Kasparov leading an effort to overthrow the government? He is representing the interests of a Russia, in that the policies of the Putin administration towards the public are criminal. Grunt, do you know about the corruption taking place within the federal government? The elections that are being fixed? The state MURDERING journalists and political opponents?

    I don’t see how this is ever remotely about democracy versus communism.

    The protesters aren’t against democracy…they’re against being denied a stake within the democracy!

    As far as I can tell, from everything I’ve read on the topic over the past five years…Kasparov and the protesters waving the Soviet flag is part of the message of saying, “Democracy or not, with Putin ruling like a dictator, even the communist government of the past is preferable.”

    I think you’re missing the crux of why those Russians are out in the streets in the first place. The election fraud that has taken place in several venues within the Russian sphere of influence during the past several years is what this is about. Those protesters are exercising their freedom of speech, freedom of assembly…both of which would not have been allowed in the former USSR, yet look at the government’s response.

    To me it doesn’t seem like much has changed.

    You’re taking a visual of the Soviet flag and disregarding every single historical element that led to the protest in the first place.

    Putin has been killing off his opponents and/or those who would threaten his power…his heavy handed actions against these protesters are an example of why his government is less representing of a modern democratic society than it is a fascist dictatorship.

    How am I wrong in my criticism of Putin? Tell me that!

  5. Grunt says:

    You are simply wrong and an idiot to thinking Stalin, Lenin, or Trotsky ideals are more democratic. What the hell are you on; lay off the crack? I am tired of repeating myself to you. Read my statements until they sink in.

    Your statement – Democracy or not, with Putin ruling like a dictator, even the communist government of the past is preferable

    You are a fool! Perhaps you would like a Hitler type individual to promote ethics, morals and values for the world. You are nothing more than an idiot which lacks common sense. Have a wonderful life in “La-La Land” because I am tired of your ignorance.

    Devil Dog

  6. GRUNT – Gary Kasparove is head of an organization called the ‘United Civil Front’:

    Upon the organization’s founding, in 2005, Kasparov stated that the United Civil Front “will work to preserve electoral democracy in Russia.”[3] Kasparov concluded the press conference by stating that, “The primary goal of the systemic opposition is to dismantle the currently existing system and create a free political floor on which free elections can be held in 2007-2008. The bottom line is to preserve the Russians’ right to elect a responsible government, both in presidential and parliamentary elections.”

    Where you get the connection of this man with Lenin or Stalin is from photographs of protests. You cannot find a single quote from this man that his intention is to bring back communism.

    I am an idiot? What do you know about politics in Russia? My knowledge comes from a wide variety of sources, one of my favorite being the right-wing opinion page of the Wall Street Journal…a place where some of the best information on international matters can be found…on Russia, Egypt, Indonesia, China, etc.

    Vladimir Putin is a tyrant. His government KILLS people who speak out against him or his policies. Gary Kasparov is a patriot! He fights for democracy, the rule of law, free speech, fair elections…

    He is NOT a communist. And whoever is feeding you a information to the contrary is a liar.

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