bQuoteBazaar – Iraq War

George BushSending more Americans would undermine our strategy of encouraging Iraqis to take the lead in this fight. And sending more Americans would suggest that we intend to stay forever, when we are, in fact, working for the day when Iraq can defend itself and we can leave.” – President Bush in 2005

“…there would not be one penny less for salary of the troops. There would not be one penny less for benefits of the troops. There would not be one penny less for weapons or ammunition. There would not be one penny less for supplies or support. Those troops will simply be redeployed to other areas of where the Armed Forces are utilized, and that it seems to me is fully within the authority of Congress to do.” – Walter Dellinger (Duke Law professor and former acting Solicitor General of the United States)

“Each bill would also set an arbitrary deadline for surrender and withdrawal in Iraq, and I believe that would have disastrous consequences for our safety here at home.” – President Bush

“The President is crying crocodile tears about the fact that the Congress has not yet passed his take-it-or-leave-it spending request for the Iraq war…The President needs to stop his huffing and puffing and recognize that he is no longer dealing with a rubber stamp Congress. There must be compromise…As usual the President is trying to govern by dividing rather than uniting. That is why his Presidency is in such disarray. When will he ever learn? The President is simply thrashing out as a diversionary tactic to obscure the fact that he has no viable policy in Iraq or in the entire Middle East for that matter. We need to come together to fashion such a policy.” – Rep. Obey

“We will fight every effort that the Democrats attempt to put handcuffs on the president to stymie his ability to wage this war in Iraq and to win it.” – Rep. Boehner

“Given the Administration’s record of failure in Iraq, Democrats in Congress refuse to simply rubber-stamp the President’s latest funding request…and we support a responsible redeployment that is supported by nearly 70 percent of Americans and endorsed by the bipartisan, independent Iraq Study Group.” – Rep. Hoyer

“So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land.” – Peter Pan

“President Bush asserted again in the Rose Garden this morning that we’re making progress in Iraq, and Senator McCain insists that Iraqi neighborhoods are safer. Meanwhile, the death toll for US troops continues to mount and the Iraqi government is failing to meet the President’s own benchmarks for progress. We can’t continue to pursue an Iraq policy based on fairy tales and rose-colored glasses.” – Rep. Emanuel

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One Response to bQuoteBazaar – Iraq War

  1. Ron says:

    Fab quotes! Plus, the great Don Quioxte (sp) pic. This is a tremendous post – best of all may be the Peter Pan line at the end.


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