Georgia makes April “Nigger-Hating History and Heritage Month”

Georgia RacismIs John Rocker considering a run for office in Georgia? After being quoted years ago saying, “I’m not a very big fan of foreigners…how the hell did they get into this country(?)”, his baseball career took a bad turn. Clearly he was too heavy a racist to play baseball for Ted Turner, but I have a feeling that he’d fit right in with the Georgia state legislature. A story that flew under the national radar this week featured Republican lawmakers from Georgia considering whether or not they should follow the lead of Virginia and Missouri in formally apologizing for their role in slavery. That Georgia decided against doing so isn’t surprising, but to add insult to injury they decided to hammer the point home by designating the month of April as Confederate History and Heritage Month.

Lest anyone think I pulled this scenario from The Onion or something, here is a link. In other words, “not only aren’t we apologizing, we think someone should apologize for taking our slaves away…anything short of that will have to get made up during April of every year when the white people of Georgia commemorate the good ‘ol days.” – – I bust John Konop’s chops occasionally on how the illegal immigration issue takes on an unmistakably racist tone on talk radio and within southern politics. He takes offense and generally turns it around to where I’m the villain for throwing around the ‘r’ word in mixed company. In light of recent developments, perhaps it’s time for Republicans from Georgia who resent being called racists when they bash immigrants to start making a stink about every April from now on being devoted to Confederate History and Heritage. Until I see that happening, the shoe fits as far as I’m concerned.

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32 Responses to Georgia makes April “Nigger-Hating History and Heritage Month”

  1. bernie kosar says:

    Is a cosmetic apology better than no apology at all?

  2. Jim says:

    b k:

    Probably yes, for the very reasons GA has a problem with it. It’s worth putting a given state through the process of officially taking a position on it just for what the process tells you about where that state (and its people) are on the evolutionary ladder. Like Coulter getting big cheers at the conservative convention, you find out the truth. The front-men and apologists ran faster than a fat man to the table from what Coulter had to say about Edwards. But the raucous cheers her comments got live tell you the truth about the ‘movement.’

    Likewise, the apology from Virginia and MO probably don’t do much as far as salving old wounds or some such bs. But what they tell you is that a majority of people in those states are willing to own up to history, however reluctantly or superficially.

    Georgia is still marching under the stars and bars. A debate like this just lets you know they’re still fighting the war. You couldn’t ask for a more accurate thermometer. Now, if we could just get them to shove it a little further…

  3. Anonymous says:

    Slavery was a Democratic Party issue, Republicans have no business appologizing for someone else’s mistakes. What are the odds that reparations will come out of Democratic Party coffers? I go with zero.

    Do Democrats ever appologize for what they’ve done? Never, but even worse they try to trick people into believing it was some other group. They try to put the racist tag on Republicans, a party created just two years before the end of slavery, for the express purpose of ending slavery.

  4. State of Georgia, a former slavery state. This is about geography and chains…the fact that rednecks in Georgia vote Republican, and 150 years ago the Democratic party was strong in the south, has nothing to do with it.

    Though I can’t fault a ditto-head for grasping at that particular straw.

  5. Jim says:


    Spoken like a true moron.

    1. An apology is not a reparation. Try not to get confused.

    2. The domestic profile of the parties has switched one-for-one over the last 150 years. This is pellucid to anyone with even a cursory grasp of U.S. history. The “party of Lincoln” would be unrecognizable to Lincoln.

    3. You have to ask the Republicans in GA for the apology because there aren’t enough Democrats there to make up a vote. Celebrate this fact: it’s the only one on your side.

    4. Even if your point about ante-bellum Democrats and ante-bellum Republicans was legitimate (which it isn’t), Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” moots it. The strategy of driving a wedge between black and white worked so well for Nixon that it has been employed in the South by every Republican since. That it failed so publicly for George Felix Allen is cause for hope. That it failed so narrowly is cause for concern. And lest you missed it, he’s a Republican.

    5. Still afraid to leave a name and forwarding address? Chickenshit.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Wow, Jim, spoken like a true Aryan, the master race.

    1. I know the diference between an apolgy and a reparation. An apology is a meaningless gesture that you think is enough and a reparation is something you would never pay because they are just worthless blacks to you.

    2. Nice use of the word pellucid. You could have just said clear but no, not you, you like to give people the false impression that you are someone special. Does it make you feel all warm inside?

    3. Hooray for Republicans!!!

    4. Wow, Nixon’s election strategy makes up for eveything Democrats have done to African Americans through slavery? Are you a friend of Kat? This sounds like something she would say. You are a real racist bastard, with a big dictionary.

    5. Do you have some need of my name and forwarding address? Planning to pay me a visit and revoke my civil rights, are you? It’s more for your safety than mine. Hmmm, what’s a good comeback to chickenshit??? How about Poopyhead?

  7. Jim says:

    4. You’re still missing the point. Good luck.

  8. me says:

    I cant believe this shit. I will pray for all of you racists

  9. Karl says:

    Just curious, what do you guys think about reparations for slavery? If you listen to Rush he will go off on rants about how these official apologies are laying the groundwork for reparations, which seems to get most conservatives into quite a tizzy. Personally I don’t think reparations are such a bad idea.

  10. I think the african american community would appreciate being treated fairly by the federal government as a starting point…like not being denied a vote in Congress (residents of DC) and not being left to die after a hurricane wipes out everything they own. If you look at the difference between how the federal government was willing to work with the governor of Mississippi in contrast with how the Democratic governor of Louisianna and her african american constituency…

    It’s a shame, and you won’t ever hear someone like Rush give an inch. For starters, I’d consider reparations in the form of fully funded schools and police in urban communities, to coincide with college money, drug rehab and the like.

    The outlawing of same-day gun purchases in states like Virginia would be nice as well. I could go on forever as far as this goes, but as for reparations…if I were President, I’d battle against simply cutting checks in lieu of ensuring that every african american child in America grows up in a world that guarantees their franchise at the voting booth and their access to the same schooling, health care as whites in upper middle class suburbs enjoy.

  11. Karl says:

    All good idea, especially guaranteeing equal opportunity at the voting booth, a side issue of te entire US Attorney scandal is Roves plan to disenfranchise voters through the use of bogus voter fraud claims, I think this strategy was aimed sqarely at African American voters.

  12. Thomas Jefferson says:

    The civil war was fought in order to restore the Union.

    Freeing the slaves was to further economically vanquish the humiliated confederacy not to grant former slaves any type of human rights. Apologies from both north and south are in order.Discussing financial reperations are a form of political pandering that continues to divide the nation. The best form of reperations to an oppressed people such as the blacks would be a change in stride as to how they are treated on the local level. A celebration of confederate heritage proves that little has changed since the conflict in the realm of human rights issues. To mix the ideologies espoused by the losers of the civil war with an immigration issue is a contradiction in terms. At the core there are some people in the Georgia state legislature who remain racist, yet opposition to a foreign onslaught of refugees patently contradicts a racist position. Why would the union free one people only to import another slave population under slightly different terms.

  13. I disagree on what you state as the motivation for emancipation, as with Fred Seward (Lincoln’s opponent who became his secretary of state) for instance, he was a radical in terms of his beliefs towards the need to abolish slavery well before the Civil War. Same for secretary of the treasury Chase and a sizable caucus within the Republican Party at the time.

    Remember that the South ceded of their own accord. The 13th amendment to the Constitution was only ratified towards the end of the war, but just in time for the peace that came soon after Richmond fell.

    I believe that for the southern rebels it was about a lot of things besides slavery, but that one issue bitterly divided the nation on a moral level, and not simply because one region wanted to stick it to another.

    Basing this opinion on the debates and history surrounding the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas Nebraska Act…both were about whether newly constituted territories would be slave or non-slave, and the political balance in the country was divided by that more than anything else.

    Both of those acts by Congress were seen as the worst transgressions imaginable the country as a whole by the staunch abolitionists.

  14. Pingback: Don Imus Fans in Georgia

  15. rett butler says:

    i just hope that we don’t have to go through 4 years of having a laying piece of shit in the white house
    obama please the only thing hes going to change is the constitution for being elected president when hes not even American he wasn’t born in America and he is a lair and a cheat and he will destroy us all
    i will always and forever say NO-BAMA

  16. John Rove says:

    What policies bother you about Obama?

  17. Billy Hill says:

    I guess true heritage month really can’t cover the further issue of Blacks should be thankful so many of them ended up here in America by slavery because today in 2009, Blacks (Africans) are still slaves by other blacks in Africa not to mention Africans still eat other Africans for lunch like it ain’t no thing…

  18. joe says:

    all I can say..white america we hate you too..

  19. georgiaboy says:

    fuck them niggers, they dont deserve shit, they aint even people. georgia never will and never should apologize for slavery nor should any white man ever make reperation for enslaving the colored

  20. and there you have it

  21. John Rove says:

    I love it when the comments prove the post. Good job Al

  22. joe says:

    just the infidel niggers i hate like i loved obama but now all he is is a nigger that should have no rights if sluts are his style and taste

  23. joe says:

    if he dont change much he is the shit in the toilet

  24. John Rove says:

    Joe you really are a wealth of information.
    What happened to you when you were growing up, my guess is you were raised in the church.

  25. JANICE GASSERT says:


  26. John Rove says:

    Do you think people should be building you mansions? why do you deserve a mansion.

  27. Vicki says:

    Joe..go home, lunch is ready and “me” don’t bother to pray for people, take care of your own self. If you don’t like this site, why are you here??????????????

  28. janice gassert says:

    hey rove,
    between you and joe you have alot of needless comments. thanks for saying email would not be published then giving email to google who loves to get their hands on anything and everything.
    i did not say that i wanted a mansion and no one has the right to give me one. just wanted to make that point perfectly clear. now get a grip.

  29. B @ S says:

    I Can’t See Apologizing For Something That I Or Any White People Have Done In The Past. Besides The Nasty White Women Are Going To Breed Whites Out. Then Ladies Who’s Gonna Support Your Children. Your Boy obama Is Gonna Take Care Of His People Know What I Mean!!!

  30. Karl says:

    Good to live in “post racial” America. After reading these idiots I would love to hear someone try to argue that racism doesn’t exist in America.

  31. akickupdaklanazz says:

    yes georgia shold apologize for slavery and every white man that was envolved should ALSO feel bad could you imagine if the shoe was on the other foot imagine your white race being butchered and raped with out anyone having a care to the world imagine your tender white skin being whipped til you pass out for dead ???im not racist but i hate of those who are

  32. Gordon Johnson says:

    There should be a Shut Up you Black people Day, A Lop off the heads of Democrats day, and and A Smoken Joe Grezlak day!

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