Groundhog Day

From the same issue of the Washington Post, you’ll find that our President is on top of his game.  It feels like 2005 all over again:
 Bush is on his game

Progress in the ‘war on terror’ can be explained in many different ways, but for me it would have mostly to do with the actual number of times some scriptured-up scumbag walks into the market and detonates.

Progress in the war on terror

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9 Responses to Groundhog Day

  1. Anonymous says:

    Awesome, attacks really took a dive at the end of 2006 to levels before mid 2004. This new Iraq plan really is working!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Officially, 30% reduction in bombings and 50% reduction in execution style slayings.

  3. I don’t trust the word “officially” when it comes to events in Iraq. The Iraqi government cannot be trusted in their reports, and our military filters information as it goes up the chain.

    Do you honestly trust the validity of information released through the Bush or Maliki governments? If so, why?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I don’t trust the word “officially” when it comes to events in Iraq. The Iraqi government cannot be trusted in their reports, and our military filters information as it goes up the chain.

    Then why do you post on it? If you have no way of knowing at what frequency the attacks are happening then how can you come to a “Groundhog Day” conclusion? Are you just towing the party line of “All negative, all the time!” irregardless of the facts?

    Do you honestly trust the validity of information released through the Bush or Maliki governments? If so, why?

    Sure, why not? This was Associated Press, btw. Mouthpiece for Hamas if you will recall.

  5. Here are my sources:

    If I don’t confirm something on one of these sites, I don’t believe it. Veterans have confirmed that incidents are underreported up the chain, and that the situation is so dangerous over there that journalists are often forced to rely on the information they are provided by the military.

    These sites contain a great deal of reporting done by actual Iraqis who can report on such things without being killed for their skin color.

    And I’m posting on it because of the fact that regardless of what actually takes place on the ground, the Bush administration will paint a rosy picture. They have since the beginning and will continue to do so on through till the end.

    Bad news isn’t welcome inside the bubble.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I come here irregularly.
    Today I loved your post re:Laura Bush.
    As a Canadian I am developing a hatred of Bush.
    Your news helps me.
    Thank you.

    Well, sure seems like a non-biased source of info.

    If I don’t confirm something on one of these sites, I don’t believe it.

    Too bad, you are setting yourself up for a big let down. These liberal shadow blogs are a real crock. This is probably written by someone on Ted kennedy’s staff.

  7. Non-biased?!?!? Are you for real? Gorillasguides is run by Iraqis…the ACTUAL people who are getting killed. Scroll down and you’ll read of someone’s cousin getting blown up, someone’s father murdered, etc.

    If you expect an Iraqi to provide a point of view that suits the American public, you’re nuts. What do the writers at gorillasguides owe you or I besides what they decide to share?

    This is something that could never have happened in the past. Back in the day, the propaganda would be our only source. I think that would be preferable to some.

    Why would you dismiss this site off hand like that? Supposedly your side cares about the Iraqis more than anyone else, yet their words aren’t worth your time…nice.

    Do you take the same attitude when reading quotes from soldiers and veterans? Say a veteran in a wheel chair is anti-war and hates Bush…do you just pretend they don’t exist, or perhaps call them “shadow veterans”?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Non-biased?!?!? Are you for real? Gorillasguides is run by Iraqis…the ACTUAL people who are getting killed. Scroll down and you’ll read of someone’s cousin getting blown up, someone’s father murdered, etc.

    Do you personally know the bloggers? So it never crossed your mind that when you plug your ears and yell lalalalalalala while relying on this blog for your information that it could be run by, oh I don’t know, Al Queda, Hamas, Sadr, Iran, the Taliban or any number of other groups that use this tactic on a regular basis.

    Seriously, did you sleep through all the forged photos and staged ambulance and funeral scenes perpetrated by Reuters and Associated Press? The fake stories, the fake mass murders, the fake controvercies, the fake news, the fake photos, the fake people.

    If you believe that the Iraqis are dying in large numbers now, just wait until the liberals force the troops out and “The Fall of Saigon 2” happens. The Iraqis will suffer greatly, beyond anything Saddam did, Democrats surrender the war on terror.

  9. Jim says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of “fake.”

    GG is run by an Irish guy named Mark. I guess that’s like Ted, in the sense that he’s Irish.

    I’m just curious about your ability to add 2 and 2.

    For months we’ve been hearing about how the militias in Sadr City have been ordered to stand down. Our guys go door to door, and don’t find anyone. Where’d they go? Suddenly scared? Or just following orders?

    Our “surge” really does nothing but restore troop levels to 2004 numbers. So more troops means less violence, according to the numbers you seem so pleased to cite. OK. I buy that for purposes of this argument. So it works–at diminishing violence.

    How long do you think we should stay?
    What are we doing to restore the civic fabric?
    What’s our plan?

    I don’t want us to leave just to leave. I want us out because this administration and its military planners are incapable of doing this right. Since they’ve made it abundantly clear that they’re simply fuckups, I want our guys out of there. No more US deaths, and no more Iraqi deaths caused by US bullets. Every day we stay, we make another terrorist.

    Iraqis are already suffering “beyond anything that Saddam did.” Please point to one good thing that’s come out of the invasion of Iraq. With a source, please.

    Make a convincing case that GWB et al can competently handle rebuilding Iraq and I’ll entertain your arguments. Until then, stop parroting LGF and Bill O’Loofah. Make an argument.

    By the way, “irregardless” is not a word.

    And consider what you mean by “war on terror.” Do you have any idea how such a war can successfully be waged? Do you believe a tank can win a rally? Cutting the Gordian knot only worked for Alexander, and even he finally had to go home.

    And while you’re thinking (or whatever it is you do behind your anonymous curtain), can you tell me where they filmed the moon landing? Perhaps the same stage the AP is using?

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