Lennie love his dead puppy

  Lennie love his dead puppy

Hey – we were embarrased about all the foreign people our government arbitrarily detains and kicks around, but to think that even powerful Americans can get wraped up over nothing by that same government…in fact, was there even a trial?  I don’t think there was.  Really, the terrorists have a better justice system provided to them in terms of absolute fairness than Scooter Libby unfortunately had here.

Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, both seemingly ridiculous concepts at first glance, as they could easily be mistaken for a Grisham novel and diet pills, it is absolutely shocking that in this day and age in the US we’re still burdened as a society with over stuffed prisons, yet still attached to such crybaby laws as these.  So here is one instance where I agree with Sean Hannity, and have to give him a pat on the back for being brave enough to stand up and say it, that both Perjury and Obstruction of Justice need to be removed from the criminal statutes in every state immediately.

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8 Responses to Lennie love his dead puppy

  1. S. R. says:

    No Obstruction of Justice? Then what would Detective’s Green, Goren, and Cassady threaten suspects with to get them to talk?

  2. Once we have a Democrat back in the white house, the law can be reinstated. As long as it is used to sandbag patriotic Americans like Scooter, the cost to our nation is too great to bear such a thing.

  3. Jim says:

    Am I right in assuming snark here?

  4. No doubt about that.

    Remembering the years I was in the Army (96-00) being especially draining in terms of the news coverage and punditry regarding the rule of law and how it pertained to whether or not Clinton told the truth about a blowjob…

    To take in the editorial page of the WSJournal these past few days has left me with the feeling that most of these DC players have no soul.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I still am waiting for the Joe Wilson fraud trial. When is this piece of garbage going to get his due? Why aren’t liberals trying lynch Armitage for “outing” a CIA employee who wasn’t undercover?

    I still want to know why liberals aren’t all over Wilson for lying about the origin of the “mission” to Niger. Was it too embarrassing for this drive-up window equivilent of a State Department employee to be honest and say his wifey sent him to dig up political dirt?

  6. Perhaps liberals are too cozy with Satan…or it could be the lack of evidence backing up what you’re saying here.

    How’s San Diego? It’s you, right?

  7. Anonymous says:

    You have completely missed the point! Armitage was the one who first inadvertantly talked to a reporter about something everyone already knew.

    It was Wilson who lied and said Cheney sent him or whatever he lied about.

    Valerie Plame wasn’t undercover at the time.

    So, what is there for Libby to lie about? How could Libby cover-up something Armitage didn’t tell anyone about? Why would he lie to cover for Cheney when Cheney didn’t do anything.

    See, you all need to work those brains a little more. This was just a shady poliical hit job performed by the Albert and Costello team of the Democratic Party.

    Libby was found guilty because he couldn’t remember all the details of a non-issue. Liberals are desperate to bring the Bush Administration down to the Clinton level and it just won’t work. Bush has enough issues to go after with out Democrats needing to fabricate false obstruction charges.

  8. Cheney asked the CIA to look into the Niger angle, but he did not specifically say, “Send Joe Wilson to Niger”.

    Libby lied to FBI agents and the grand jury. Perjury and obstruction of justice…he was found guilty, and the jury spent 10 days making sure they had covered everything. Sympathetic for Libby were these jurors, stating that he was a fall guy.

    But I get where you’re coming from, as the courts of our United States are a completely bullshit enterprise because they only convict Republicans.

    Armitage didn’t lie to investigators when he was questioned, so he wasn’t indicted and tried. Seems pretty simple to me, all of this. I mean…I don’t have a law degree or a copy of some check made out to the RNC, but those two tragic personality flaws haven’t prevented me from understanding this case.

    And just so you know…I’ve watched My Cousin Vinny about 20 times. So I do know a few things about how the law works.

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