Jeb in ’08 – Numbers – Obama in ’02

Pee Wee Suit Bush HouseI want to come out and predict that Jeb Bush emerges as the candidate poised to gather up the majority of Christian conservative votes at some point in this race, and perhaps winding up with the nomination. The Romney people out there who have already fallen in love, will no doubt snap out of it and then swoon for the former ‘Governor who almost managed to keep Terri Shiavo’s body plugged in forever’. Jeb’s big brother did him a personal favor in flying back to DC on his vacation to sign that bill at the expense of their national party. Regardless, what’s done is done, and if Jeb weren’t to run it would have been all for naught. Though squandered opportunity and disaster aren’t things that Bush-Walker folk tend to dwell on that I can tell, as the months go by, the iron will certainly grow hotter. So the press will be provided a staggered trickle of “being urged to run” talk for a little while, and around the time when McCain, Romney and Rudi are already thoroughly exposed, mind-fucked, and Brownback is counting his eggs for the third or forth time, Jeb will bust out onto the scene with some “nightmare bogus poetry”, Michael Savage will rejoice, Britney will relapse, the collection plate will be passed from one eager set of hands to another and another and so on.

(Woodruff ABC News) “While the U.S. Department of Defense says that there have been about 23,000 nonfatal battlefield casualties in Iraq, Woodruff discovers — through an internal VA report — that more than 200,000 veterans have sought medical care for various ailments, inclu ding more than 73,000 diagnoses for mental disorders.”

(Andrew Sullivan) An amazing video from 11/2002 where Obama is debating on television and talks about how he would have voted on the Iraq War resolution, and what his concerns were in leading up to the war. Profound mostly for the dead-on accuracy in which he predicts what the problems might be, but in viewing a clip like this, it’s extremely difficult to not have what Republicans were saying would happen also playing in your mind.

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