
NYC - Great ShotThe US Army’s Chief of Staff is asked (2/23/07) about the importance of capturing Osama Bin Laden:

“I don’t know whether we’ll find him…I don’t know that it’s all that important, frankly.” – Gen. Peter Schoomaker

Dick Cheney in 1991:

“The notion that we ought to now go to Baghdad and somehow take control of the country strikes me as an extremely serious one in terms of what we’d have to do once we got there. You’d probably have to put some new government in place. It’s not clear what kind of government that would be, how long you’d have to stay. For the U.S. to get involved militarily in determining the outcome of the struggle over who’s going to govern in Iraq strikes me as a classic definition of a quagmire.”

Hunter S. Thompson:

“No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.”

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3 Responses to Dizzy

  1. bernie kosar says:

    Is it more important to catch Osama or Obama?

  2. To a Republican the answer to that question is obvious. If that Republican is a New Yorker, I’d be surprised to find out that Obama is of any consequence in comparison with Osama.

    They celebrate that murder, the events of 9/11. They celebrate it every time they remind us of it in order to legitimize whatever bullshit they’re trying to sell. They celebrate that murder with the murderer still on the loose.

    This is where America is at this point in our history. Undeniably lost in the wilderness. Without an honest value among us that cannot be corrupted somehow.

  3. bernie kosar says:


    When do the tickets for Fenway ’07 go on sale?

    (SF Giants games especially)

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