Monthly Archives: February 2007

The Greg Oden Strategy – RIP DJ

Four games of his I’ve seen so far, and to pretend that there’s a small difference between the value of a 2007 #1 pick and a #3 pick is ridiculous. This guy has the size, hustle and talent on both … Continue reading

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Shamrock Banks $100K

If John Brown had won, I’d have figured it was good luck to be whacked in the head with a dildo several times before a competition. As the last couple episodes of ego trip’s White Rapper Show (VH1) clearly showed … Continue reading

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Jeb in ’08 – Numbers – Obama in ’02

I want to come out and predict that Jeb Bush emerges as the candidate poised to gather up the majority of Christian conservative votes at some point in this race, and perhaps winding up with the nomination. The Romney people … Continue reading

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Portfolio B – Transaction Log

Update: NTES is really the stock I’ve liked most for a long time, and it is part of my holdings in both portfolios. I increased my stake in it today and it currently accounts for about 15% of the entire … Continue reading

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The US Army’s Chief of Staff is asked (2/23/07) about the importance of capturing Osama Bin Laden: “I don’t know whether we’ll find him…I don’t know that it’s all that important, frankly.” – Gen. Peter Schoomaker Dick Cheney in 1991: … Continue reading

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Walk It Off

Predictably the media has completely missed the point of this Walter Reed story (Part 1, Part 2). Everywhere I turn, the emphasis is on the rodent infestation and mold, yet the important detail they’re ignoring is that thousands of veterans … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 15 Comments

Portfolio B – $1.0M

The urge to inject new ideas using the portfolio I’ve posted on for about a year and a half goes against my desire to remain true to the game, so what I decided to do is start a new one … Continue reading

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If you really want someone to feel like a piece of dog shit for a long time, then be sure to recommend that they earn money for college and gain job experience by enlisting in the United States Army. Once … Continue reading

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Ass Clowns

I don’t think it would be possible to find a couple of chickenshit cyborgs more off base in their calculations regarding the Iraq War than John McCain and Hillary Clinton. Though perhaps in their respective cases it’s more repugnant than … Continue reading

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bBlogBouillabaisse – Hiatus

I’m posting every Thursday on The Blue Republic from now on, so check that out. Dusty was responsible for landing the spot for me, and she posts there as well. Politics and humor mix for a great read on a … Continue reading

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Appeal For Redress

1270 active duty military personnel have signed the Appeal for Redress as of today. It was delivered to Congress, and I haven’t heard much about it since. A site (Soldier Voices Forum) that is run by an active duty soldier … Continue reading

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Where Pugs Come From

Excerpt from ‘Designer Dog-Fights‘ – The New York Times Magazine 2/4/2007 – Jon Mooallem “Making purebred pugs is arduous and important business. The pug’s problem is geometrical. A century of selection for the standard’s “square and cobby” body has exaggerated … Continue reading

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Howard K. Stern

Anna Nicole Smith marries this guy (or whatever they did), and in short time both she and her son are unable to manage their chemical consumption, both found dead of overdoses. For a lot of reasons, veteran FDA-approved drug heads … Continue reading

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In a Big Country

Invested in this hyped stock with everything he’s got. Money, possessions, bodily organs and hope all down on the idea he had a few years back, developed over some serious unmet needs pertaining to relevance. How could he manage to … Continue reading

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Bug – 8 year old’s painting

A streetlight with no courage flickers insanity across sidewalk split all over with tufts of grass and dirt plump up and down so a bug with something to do maneuvers over one mountain then another without fear or even the … Continue reading

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Sunshine Daydream

Someone I consider a good friend and part-time mentor on technical matters (captain_menace) had a request for some good stories that weren’t sports related, and I’ve been thinking about it for a couple days now. Mostly about how difficult it … Continue reading

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Grand Wizard Savage

On Martin Luther King Day, he did not disappoint his closeted cross-burning audience one bit: Grand Wizard (aka Michael Savage): But basically, if you’re talking about a day like today, Martin Luther King Junior Day, and you’re gonna understand what … Continue reading

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Sell Altria (MO) – Buy Google (GOOG)

Decision time in the fantasy portfolio got a lot easier today as shares of Google fell to 480 at this very moment (11:48 AM). The cash I already had on hand was $2,492.00 and added to the proceeds from the … Continue reading

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