bBlogBouillabaisse – Dogfish Head

The holiday season was extended for my family, as the stomach flu that ravaged most of the northeast this past month happened to hit our relations near and far like something out of a Stephen King novel, pushing back the Christmas party in Weymouth. Max and Sam lived it up with their cousins, made their papa proud. Van Helsing’s oldest daughter MacKenzie played referee quite brilliantly, releshing the chance to shine as the “big cousin”, and perhaps was the only one in the house who could calm Maxwell down at any moment. He was looking up to her, taking direction from her, and smiling when she gave him a hug. Madison, her sister (closer to Max and Sam’s age but a year or so older), was uneasy about the boys having free reign with her toys, but she too seemed to be appreciative of the sense of order MacKenzie was providing. Helsing shared some of his stash, rare I.P.A. I can still taste, and on the drive home everyone slept. Even mama.

1)Exercising Congress’s Constitutional Power to End a War” – Senate Judiciarymr krinkle Committee – Senator Feingold, Chair – Tuesday, January 30 at 10:00 AM
2) Dusty has much love for Senator Hagel and TWO posts within a week on him. The first is a video of him gettin’ jiggy wit that leadership bug that’s going around, and the second an interview he gave that has to be read by anyone who is serious about “being informed”.
3) Jurassicpork drops it like it’s hot with his excellent piece on the difference between Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney – Halliburton Rising
4) Recently The Feed has been providing my daily sports fix – everyone should check it out.

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