Is that an Iphone?


770 – Number of detainees held at Guantanamo since 9/11/01 (1)
10 – Number of detainees charged with a crime (1)
9 in 10 – Chances that a Guantanamo detainee was turned over to Coalition forces by an Afghan or Pakistani citizen (11)
5,000 – Average dollar reward that leaflets airdropped over their countries promised for every “terrorist” turned in (11)
5:3 – Supreme court vote delcaring Bush’s military tribunals unconstitutional (2)
51 – Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s job approval rating (3)
70 – Number killed in the bombing of a university in Baghdad yesterday (4)
50 – Number of active duty military officers delivering an Iraq pullout petition to Congress today (5)
74 – Minimum number of days before US bombs Iran according to the Arab Times in Kuwait (6)
1 – Number of pilotless US spy planes shot down by Iran in recent days (7)
3,300,000 – Number of dollars George Michael made on New Year’s Eve in Russia (8)
75 – Number of minutes he had to perform for the money (8)
2,130,000 – Number of Google results on a search for “Britney Spears pussy photo” (9)
754,000 – Number of Google results on a search for “Britney Spears crotch photo” (12)
620,000 – Number of Google results on a search for “Britney Spears beaver photo” (10)
650 – Number of posts on deadissue (including this one)

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7 Responses to Is that an Iphone?

  1. Pingback: Rice Pilaf

  2. Chris says:

    Pshaw! I’ve seen all those words before.

    You should add Will Griggs’ Pro Libertate blog on your daily hitlist.

  3. I like his writing – I’ll make a habit of checking out his latest/greatest. What does ‘pshaw’ mean?

  4. S. R. says:

    Those beaver shots are kinda gross. Maybe it was the lighting.

    What made you think of these assorted inquiries?

  5. Dusty says:

    Al, such an eclectic list my dear..but I of course appreciate the political and GITMO for Britney Spears..whom I refer to as BS..the chick is washed up..unless she plans on doing a spread in playboy..that might wake up her career..or not. 😛

  6. I’m under the impression that Britney Spears could mumble her way through 12 tracks and still sell a million copies of an album as long as she looks like a hooker on the video.

  7. S.R. What made you think of these assorted inquiries?

    I wanted to see what our society was using more often as a term to describe private parts…I had one for the c-word as well which came in about 500K below pussy…

    Something to think about I suppose. Funny, but the picture made me wonder about that right off…how to turn the thing into a sociological experiment of some kind.

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