Jury Duty

Not only does this government institution have it’s own Pauly Shore movie, but now thanks to Sonicrusk, I’ve come to find that it has it’s own stamp as well!  In keeping with the theme, perhaps their next one could feature the public defender – looking sharp in that business suit, underarms stuffed full of file folders with papers falling out, hands pinched on the tips of inside-out pockets.  Another could celebrate over a hundred years of rape in overcrowded prison cells.  Indeed, they’re merely scratching the surface with this concept.

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3 Responses to Jury Duty

  1. S. R. says:

    A Public Defender stamp a la the Poor Tax of $15? I like it!

    How about you Al? Ever had jury duty?

  2. Nope – – – Though if I do, I’d most likely draw out something noteworthy, but something always has me thinking I’d get bounced from the case after a few questions.

  3. S. R. says:

    True. The DA can smell liberals.

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