Monthly Archives: January 2007

Right Tool for the Job

Of the dynamics at work within Iraq and the empty-suit Mecca of Washington DC, none is more depressing than the ambivilance over a simple concept I refer to often as the “right tool for the job”. Whether you’re extracting seeds … Continue reading

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Moonie Madrassa Bulgogi

Hillary said that she was “in it to win it”, but I had no idea that meant something like this: Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and … Continue reading

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Portfolio A – Buys/Sells

The 16 month return was 34.86%, and at this point I decided to take profits in a few areas and reallocate funds. Trades are all considered to have been carried out based on the open price of today’s market: ———SOLD——— … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 12 Comments

bBlogBouillabaisse – Dogfish Head

The holiday season was extended for my family, as the stomach flu that ravaged most of the northeast this past month happened to hit our relations near and far like something out of a Stephen King novel, pushing back the … Continue reading

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Suicide Prevention

The US military just can’t help themselves when it comes to troops being killed. They lied about Pat Tillman’s death, and here’s another example: “Contrary to U.S. military statements, four U.S. soldiers did not die repelling a sneak attack at … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 8 Comments

Fraud in Ohio’s 2004 Recount

Two election workers have been convicted of rigging the recount in Cuyahoga County to avoid a more thorough review. Jacqueline Maiden and Kathleen Dreamer were both found guilty of felony negligent misconduct of an elections employee and misdemeanor failure of … Continue reading

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The Boy in the Bubble

From 9/13/04 – Only updated with photos and sadly, still relevant The magical mystery jar of Vietnam history now has four hands grasping for the contents inside, with respective campaign riffraff of both the guilty fiends howling indictments at one … Continue reading

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The Murder of Maher Arar

When years go by as they have, with nerve endings pounding out this sense of shame from encrusted workings inside, utterly unshakable without damning the thoughts that come about around the time of acceptance and future endeavors and mind over … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Military | 16 Comments

bBlogBouillabaisse – disappointment

1. Van Helsing emailed a link to a great article that ran in the Wall Street Journal about a handicapper whose skill in picking winners has made him a target of Las Vegas, with lines changing up or down based … Continue reading

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Moqtada al-Sadr

If there’s a nightclub within all of Baghdad that one might desire entry to, it is a well known fact that once you say to the bouncer, “I am here to see Moqtada”, the list in their hand is meaningless. … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 9 Comments

Is that an Iphone?

770 – Number of detainees held at Guantanamo since 9/11/01 (1) 10 – Number of detainees charged with a crime (1) 9 in 10 – Chances that a Guantanamo detainee was turned over to Coalition forces by an Afghan or … Continue reading

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.NET vs. J2EE

As a developer I definitely look down upon Microsoft’s strategy of exclusivity regarding the inability of other operating systems to run applications built using the .NET framework, but as an investor or an employee of the company it would most … Continue reading

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Jury Duty

Not only does this government institution have it’s own Pauly Shore movie, but now thanks to Sonicrusk, I’ve come to find that it has it’s own stamp as well!  In keeping with the theme, perhaps their next one could feature … Continue reading

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LaDainian Tomlinson Lectures the Patriots on being “Classy”

I think what it all came down to was one in-depth expose too few for Ladainian Tomlinson this past week. He’s got the Walter Peyton hill in his back yard and had the entire NFL color squad from coast to … Continue reading

Posted in Sports | 10 Comments

Brian Billick Blows it for the Ravens

I cannot understand what it is about coaches in this league sometimes, how they figure to surprise their opposition by playing away from the defined strengths and weaknesses of the two teams on the field, making haste with calls that … Continue reading

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Rant #337

The cash rewards handed to men we hardly knew in Afghanistan in exchange for “terrorists” has loaded Guantanamo up full of people we have no evidence against. It wouldn’t make sense to conduct business this way unless the intent of … Continue reading

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Chuck Hagel

Condoleeza Rice happens upon a “real leader” in the Senate today Secretary of State Rice is a competent actress, and does quite well when it comes to memorizing and delivering her lines. As a high-profile figure within this administration, she … Continue reading

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Asante Samuel

Patriots cornerback sees dollar signs up ahead During a game the football field isn’t occupied by 22 players who all have the chance to cash in on statistics quite like the two or three corners who are out there on … Continue reading

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Frederick Kagan – Napoleon Chose Victory Over Defeat

The man has a Ph.D. in Russian and Soviet military history, and the immediate thought that comes to my mind is how that country spent and shot its way into oblivion during the 1980s. Trying to keep up with US … Continue reading

Posted in History, Military | 12 Comments

16 Months Later – Portfolio A

The mock portfolio I posted in August of 2005 listed exactally what I’d have done with 70K if I’d had it at the time. Click HERE for the original post. The breakdown follows with the 8/30/05 price and value alongside … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 4 Comments

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of service-oriented architecture (SOA) by providing a definition, examples and diagrams. The concept is analyzed through the use of several sources and then applied to our own internal shipping application here at KnowToys Inc. … Continue reading

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Exxon Loves You

Since it’s 70 degrees in January up here in New England, I figured we could all enjoy learning about the fine work being done on our behalf by ExxonMobil (h/t Crooks and Liars) to calm everyone down, and help us … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 8 Comments

Straight Shooter

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on 12/24/2006: “…I didn’t want to take this position. I only agreed because I thought it would serve the national interest, and I will not accept it again.” Wall Street Journal: Will you accept a … Continue reading

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Technorati Profile

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Robert Nardelli – Home Depot

The CEO of Home Depot has been vanquished, but not before he makes off with over $200 million in severance. A weekly occurance it seems now, with pigs stepping down after losing billions in shareholder value, stuffing dinner rolls into … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 6 Comments


Technorati Profile

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Hal Turner Needs It

‘Assassination’ schedule announced for Congress “Radio-show host (Hal Turner) says leaders won’t be allowed to ‘betray’ nation.” I’ll go out on a limb here and guess that this guy is a right-winger, and from there you could go in a … Continue reading

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For Your Consideration

1) W. David Jenkins III – Who is this? All I know is he wrote an incredible essay titled: “Bush Breakdown Dead Ahead?” – – – – It sneaks up on you, because the title indicates it’s something of a … Continue reading

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