Jack Kingston

Keeping us up here eats away at families, said Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), who typically flies home on Thursdays and returns to Washington on Tuesdays. “Marriages suffer. The Democrats could care less about families — that’s what this says.” Bear in mind that I really like this guy, but with our military pulling 15 month long deployments in Iraq, having to accomplish a certain amount of work to deserve earning ones’ government paycheck, in safety stateside, should be viewed as a blessing to begin with. Are we disconnected from this war?

His first statement had my head connecting the dots with some other stuff I’ve been reading…“Keeping us up here eats away at families,”(Army officer) As a Cadet in ROTC, I was taught about taking care of soldiers and doing the right thing. That’s not practiced in the Active Duty Army that I experienced. Rank isn’t supposed to have it’s priveleges but it does. Commander’s lived like Kings while their soldiers didn’t have electricity or even the proper equipment to do the job, and that shouldn’t have been.

Are the words telling a story about us? “Marriages suffer. The Democrats could care less about families — that’s what this says.” The Army has begun the practice of tricking soldiers suffering from post traumatic stress disorder into signing something that says their condition was preexisting, that they had a “personality disorder”, as in, “I was a mental case before I enlisted in the Army”. They are told that the deal will provide them disability and they’ll be able to keep their reenlistment bonus, then on the last day before catching a flight back to civilian life, are told that they are entitled to no diability benefits, VA treatment for their mental problems, and you owe us $4000 for the bonus which we’re taking back. (Link to the story) (Sonicrusk’s Post on the topic)

It’s unfortunate that Congressman Kingston would be the one to provide a timeless quote on the topic of an extended work week, as even though there is a war going on and the required budget work from last year was ignored, somehow the burden of having to eat his meat before he could have any pudding is a travesty of justice and well worth the necessary time spent (on the clock) exposing the real reason behind all of it…they hate families…those Democrat m************!

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2 Responses to Jack Kingston

  1. S. R. says:

    They want Osama bin Laden to make sweet love to your wife…To paraphrase a buddy of mine, thank God I got out because nobody gives a shit. Sometimes I feel like I escaped from Ted Bundy and didn’t realize how lucky I was.

  2. I feel the same way – kind of guilty in a way, but with the kids now, I know I won’t feel bad about protecting them from making the same mistake I did by joining up. You’re volunteering to become a medical research cadaver basically…

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