Monthly Archives: December 2006

Gerald Ford, unforgiven

You don’t pardon Richard Nixon after insisting you weren’t going to. All this lout managed to do was pave the way for future executives to run amok and decimate a generation’s faith in government. The country deserved to be told … Continue reading

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Bush’s Gift to CEOs

Stories collide on a Wednesday, with the SEC changing a rule made in July that would have allowed stockholders to know exactally how much compensation their executives were receiving in the form of stock options. On a Friday, with no … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 1 Comment

Retired Narco Educates the Heads

What is the best way to hide your stash of marijuana when the police come knocking? How do you avoid positive tests for drugs? And what can you do to hoodwink narcotics-trained sniffer dogs? All these questions and many more … Continue reading

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The Gallows of Reality

We’re already experiencing the novelty of a post-Rumsfeld era at the Pentagon in the form of a Joint Chiefs of Staff that has suddenly found its voice after having been neutered since before our initial invasion of Iraq. The point … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 3 Comments


On the December 16 edition of Fox News’ Journal Editorial Report, after Wall Street Journal editorial board member Jason Riley claimed that it would be “very difficult,” politically, for President Bush to increase troop levels in Iraq, fellow Journal board … Continue reading

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While the boy wonder was busy “listening” to people in the know about how best to continue fucking up the lives of millions in Iraq, he had the presense of mind to address a dip in the polls by dispatching … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 5 Comments

Out of Touch

1. On Sunday, Paul Barnes, founding pastor of the 2,100-member Grace Chapel in this Denver suburb, told his evangelical congregation in a videotaped message he had had sexual relations with other men and was stepping down. “I have struggled with … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Religion, Words | 2 Comments


The caller ID only had the last seven numbers – we got cut off twice for some reason.

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1. Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), Senate Floor: “To fight an insurgency often takes a decade or more. It takes more troops than we have committed. It takes clearing, holding, and building so that the people there see the value of … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Sports, Words | 1 Comment

bBlogBouillabaisse – Pao, pain, po-po

1a. Sam Smith – “We know this isn’t going to end well. The Kings’ Ron Artest sat out Saturday’s loss to the Spurs with a sore back after complaining after the loss in Dallas on Friday he didn’t get the … Continue reading

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Jack Kingston

“Keeping us up here eats away at families,“ said Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), who typically flies home on Thursdays and returns to Washington on Tuesdays. “Marriages suffer. The Democrats could care less about families — that’s what this says.” Bear … Continue reading

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Soft Eyes

This season of The Wire ends for me in about an hour and a half, w/ the ondemand available at midnight.  I predict that if Snoop and Chris are locked up, it’s because the security guard’s badge will be found … Continue reading

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