bBlogBouillibase – Thanksgiving ’06

Procrastinating, can’t seem to stay on point tonight w/ assignments and all, so here’s some stuff I’ve been looking at. The first is probably one of the strongest scenes ever.

The Wire – Cutty Quits (Slim Charles, Avon, Cutty)Snoop buys a nailgunSnoop and Chris (New York Niggas) using the nailgunWhere’s Andre? (Cold Blooded, Chris & SnoopBunk & McNulty (Natural Police) ——- South Park – Stan’s Dad Field Sobriety TestVote or Die!Cartman’s the Dawg, Explaining how babies are madeJimmy tries to say to Wendy “you are a continuing source of inspiration…”Jay Leno comes to South Park

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3 Responses to bBlogBouillibase – Thanksgiving ’06

  1. bernie kosar says:

    Gotta love the first scene of this season’s ‘the wire’. Who is getting schooled…is it Snoop or is it the Home Depot guy?

  2. bernie kosar says:

    I miss Mcnutty, though…

  3. McNutty (Bubbles’ style) will still play a big role in this before the show runs its course. I expect 5th season to be when he gets bored and dips his toe once more.

    Bernie has no ‘ondemand’, so I’ll lay off telling what I know. Assuming that you did peep the episode that ran last night though, I have to say, Omar’s scene w/ the fat man was a beautiful thing…the song in the background, something that can get past you if you’re not paying attention, ‘Hey Pockie Way’, a tune the Dead played in the 80s and 90s, but was originally made famous by The Meters, a band I’ve loved for a long time from New Orleans. The combination had me doing mental backflips, and in my second viewing of the episode, the scene was rewound three times I think.

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