
I’ve been messing around with perl and how to link input from an html file to a database for most of the day’s nap time, knowing now that it’s only a matter of seconds before they’re up and ready to toddle, so the idea now is to relay a few details that have shocked my brain over the past few weeks…15 months into their lives, Max and Sam both appear to be smarter by the day. Sam will bring over a book that contains pictures of objects, with each page turned showing another color. About two weeks ago I began asking him questions like, “do you see a mushroom?” “do you see a ladder?” “do you see a motorcycle” – and about 4-5 is his average, even when he’s tired. Max prefers to point to the pictures and have me say what it is, but on occasion he’ll play it Sam’s way as well. Without enough time to research, I have no idea if this is normal or not. Sometimes I’m baffled, thinking ‘how do they know this already?’ The book ‘Goodnight Moon’ is getting worn out this week, but the same kind of ‘Where’s Waldo?’ game takes place now.

Emotionally they’re up and down opposite of one another from week to week, month to month, especially when it comes to the need for affection and/or the most exciting idea at the time being to go over and take whatever the other is playing with. In the runup to nap time, they have a tendency to go after one another…a push, one comes back, another one, and so on. Worst that comes of it I suppose is the toy is swiped and run off with, while whoever got robbed chases and howls until justice is handed down and peace restored. Contrast that situation with how often (Max especially) they move in to give each other “loves”, and it’s nothing short of the most exhilirating symphony I’ve ever heard…speaking of music, they dance all the time now, following mama and dada’s lead for months and now whenever the sounds go off, they’re throwing down, Sam is the king when it comes to this, as Max sometimes seems to be self conscious, gettin’ down for ten seconds or so, then stopping…OK, I’m hearing voices upstairs…

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7 Responses to Observations

  1. Dusty says:

    You and your wife should be sainted..I could barely deal with one toddler..two would of put me in a nuthouse, hands down.

    But its the best time when they are at their current age and learning by leaps and bounds isn’t it?

  2. captain_menace says:

    So, did you get perl to stick form input into a database?

    I’m a Cold Fusion addict, it’s SOOOO easy to develop web apps with. Of course it ain’t free, but then again sometimes you get what you pay for.

  3. No – not yet, I’m stuck for a number of reasons, but mostly it’s about a lack of time and pretty much zero instruction. With more time I’m sure I could pull it off…I installed perl and apache, but the assignment calls for an updating of a perl file in about 20 spots, and most of the class must have voiced concern or something, because the requirements changed…I’m not explaining this well, see, this is why I wanted to email you and start a dialogue on all this, because honestly there are times I can’t tell if I’m focusing on the forest or the trees.

    ODBC is the reference to the driver that is used in the .pl file provided, but it’s impossible to get to work…the script runs, but doesn’t connect and since it can’t complete the queries and return the results, I’m using a perl DBI driver instead. Kind of lost to be honest, because there’s a database class group project due tomorrow and I’ve only got enough time for one or the other on a given night (besides when the assignment is a paper, I LOVE those!)…anything involving coding is different story.

    Cold Fusion is something I should look into, because the methods I’m learning now are realy confusing. Some classes, the instruction brings it all in for me, other classes, it doesn’t help at all. A matter of styles, instruction and learning I suppose. When I get it completed, I’ll post it here.

  4. S. R. says:

    Dusty, His boys are pretty well-behaved. They keep you busy, but not frustrated.

  5. captain_menace says:

    INSERT INTO Tbl_DATA(Field1, Field2)

    Stick that into a .cfm page and voila the record is inserted. With data from web forms it would look like this

    INSERT INTO Tbl_DATA(Field1, Field2)

    The server software does all the heavy lifting. Learning to do this with perl is a good thing, will make you much more aware of what’s going on in the guts. Also keeps you from having to pay $$$. But for speed, and flexibility it’s hard to beat CF. Heck, take a look at a myspace.com page, all CF.

  6. captain_menace says:

    Oops. It killed my tags. Cold Fusion runs everything through cf tags. So the queries would actually be wrapped in tags like this.

    [cfquery name=”queryname” datasource=”datasource”]
    Query string

    To output the resulting data set (for select statements), just create an set of output tags [cfoutput query=”queryname”]
    #First_name# #Last_name#

    (actually uses the regular open and closing characters just like html, rather than [ ] )

    That’s it, real simple. Of course you can make it as complex as you like too. It’s actually got a ton of tags, functions.

  7. Much easier than perl – – – I’ve come to the end of my time for work on this as of tonight, so I hope to have the final product posted here before morning. What sucks about online learning…MBA courses as well (not there yet, but I’ve heard plenty of horror stories), is the group projects. There’s one for every class, so two per semester, and I always end up carrying more of the load than I should. Not so bad in straight theory courses, but when it’s engineering actual products, whether it’s a database, code or whatever, if the end result isn’t ‘A’ work, it doesn’t matter who didn’t hold up their end.

    This access database I’m working on now…everyone submitted pieces, and another guy volunteered to put it all together, it’s due no later than 1AM EST, he calls me at 9PM and explains that he doesn’t know how to link any of the parts, tables to forms to queries to command buttons, etc. Already yesterday I had to stay up late to get the calculation command buttons and clear form ones working for another team member who was assigned a few forms…now the search form isn’t linking to the table it needs to be, blah blah blah…

    I can’t wait until this is over with and I’m doing it for a living. Not enough hours in the day for this crap, and it cuts down on my ‘sitting around doing nothing’ time. Not to mention the fact that I’ve got to remain sober for stretches of days at a time…WHAAAAA

    WHAAAAAA…there’s a psychic person in Sudan right now starving to death who would like to kick me in the nuts as I type this.

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