Tell Doc Rivers to dust off his resume if…

I’ve consumed enough “so what about the Celtics” articles by now, I could go without a single word along those lines for the rest of the season…in fact, the next “where is this team headed” piece I read is going to be a few weeks before the draft next year. Enough bullshit already…that’s how I feel at this point.

My only question heading into the regular season is, what in particular made it obvious to anyone that Doc Rivers was cut out to be an NBA coach prior to him arriving in Boston? How about since? One thing I’m convinced of at this point is he’s outmatched or unmotivated in terms of stoping another team in the half court defense. There’s no consistent plan that I can see from game to game since he’s been here, and the result, especially when it comes to the one-step-late mess in the paint, is the kind of thing that a veteran offense drools over whether its regular season or playoffs.

It seems to me that he’s taken the attitude with two HIGH SCHOOL draftees in Perk and Al, that by covering their man and being “coached” over time, they’ll figure it out. The result is piss-poor footwork, no consistent triggers for rotation or doubleteam or help, and fouls committed by these two, who both have the athleticism to be much better than they are at this point in their careers. We went out and got a ringer because of this, although Ratliff could also be viewed justifiably as a throwin along with Telfair…I happen to think otherwise though, that the difference between #7 and Telfair was worth the difference between Lafrenz and Ratliff, and Ainge’s hope is that by having a guy who doesn’t need “time” or “coaching” to not look foolish on the inside, perhaps Doc can finally figure out how to stop a team every once in a while.

I think it’s a bad sign if man-up in the halfcourt the majority of the time, and a ranking in the bottom third of the league in team defense is reality come January. If that’s the case, Ainge should have already reviewed enough tape of Doc’s Orlando teams (ESPECIALLY THE SERIES VS DETROIT IN HIS LAST SEASON AS COACH) to realize that under Rivers, this team will never be able to utilize its athleticism on defense well enough to win a playoff series. At this point Doc can either figure it out or he can’t. Can the opposing PG get a step on (West/Rondo/Telfair)? What do I do about that? Has the team practiced anything that will get the ball out of so and so’s hands? HOW DO I MAKE THIS TEAM TAKE JUMP SHOTS TO BEAT US?

I love this roster – – – – for the first time in it seems forever, we aren’t going into the season with a shoehorn in either hand hoping a shooting guard can play the point – AND – there is enough competition at every position on the roster to keep everyone hungry, UNTIL…teams are reaching 100 points too easily, and it gets to where people start feeling that no matter how hard they work, the wins just aren’t going to come. Doc needs to prove himself as a coach EARLY in this season as far as I’m concerned.

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11 Responses to Tell Doc Rivers to dust off his resume if…

  1. bernie kosar says:

    The Celtics have a great pick in Leon Powe. This kid was underrated coming out of CAL. He carried his entire team into the NCAA tournament last year.

  2. I agree with that – – – encouraging when a big man is especially strong at the end of a season…we’ve drafted two high school big men, and the problem with that is their stamina and discipline in terms of keeping their body in the right condition. With Gomes and Powe, it’s not a problem…

    I was a big critic of Ainge when he first dismantled the team, but his picks these past few years have been excellent – – – Let’s see what his high schoolers can do (Al Jefferson, Kendrick Perkins, Gerald Green, Sebastian Telfair)…if two of them become 20 minutes a game, steady, we’ll make the playoffs this year.

    Doc is a liability as I see it though, once the team gets good enough to win a lot of games, I think he’ll hold them back.

  3. bernie kosar says:


    Do you worry that Telfair will turn into a Stephen Jackson?

  4. Nah – now that he’s out of Portland (to the NBA what Columbia is to this hemisphere), he should fly right. I’m really impressed with him and Rondo so far this preseason…there’s a logjam at the 1-3 positions…a trade is needed

    Who is Kosar’s favorite team? Warriors? SR and I had great seats for a Celts-GS game a while back.

  5. bernie kosar says:

    Nellie returns!

  6. Wait and see…Avery Johnson figured out what he couldn’t in Dallas. I hope his time hasn’t passed. Keep me updated on what you think of him this year…I rarely get to see GS games.

  7. realityczech says:

    …and now? ha ha!

  8. I still think that Johnson can coach, but w/ a lot going on this year, I wasn’t really able to follow much outside of the eastern conference. Think of how close the Mavs came to taking out Miami…

  9. OH…it was a Doc rivers piece…if you don’t know who Tom Thibodeau is, that’s on you. Doc didn’t suddenly become a brilliant defensive mind overnight. With this guy on the payroll, and Doc’s willingness to defer to him on what takes place on that end of the floor…my opinion of Rivers has gone up a great deal.

    Winning games is first and foremost in his mind, and that is obvious. When a man can identify his own weaknesses and surround himself with people who make up for them…

  10. Tara says:

    Well I guess you were wrong !

  11. Tara says:

    I guess you were wrong !

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