Brother Comments on these Rape Charges

Rape charge recommended for Israeli president

JERUSALEM (CNN) — Police in Israel are recommending that the country’s president be charged with rape and other crimes against several women, a police announcement said.

Police issued a statement Sunday announcing that they have asked Attorney General Menahem Mazuz to charge Israeli President Moshe Katsav with rape, indecent assault and sexual harassment of an undisclosed number of women.

The insane level of anti-semetism that exists within the Israeli police establishment is well known. And let me set my points up by saying the so-called Jew is a person I share many things with…mainly my bank account information, W2 form, mortgage paperwork and receipts (like the one for that “fact finding” trip I took to Aruba last year)…though well documented in their so-called Old Testament, I still hold on to my skepticism in regards to the content of that first book. My Jewish acquaintance tells me the book is largely metaphorical, much like the justification behind that tax refund I used to buy bow-ties and rims with a few months back. I mean, don’t get me wrong…once I’ve got enough dough saved up for that shoulder-fired missile, he’s a dead man, but to simply overlook the facts of this anti-semetic law enforcement conspiracy and condemn the president on spec would be wrong.Tonight I will be digging up Johnny Cochran, rejuvinate his body using the age-old voodoo rituals taught to me by my mammy, and make sure he’s on a plane to Israel by Tuesday at the latest. If all goes well, Johnny, OJ, the president and I will be playing golf in Miami Beach by February ’08. – Brother Mouzone
brotherm This righteous player from NYC has agreed to post on deadissue – we welcome him! An avid reader of the white man’s lies, an avid eater of the white man’s turkey bacon, we’re glad to have him on board.
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6 Responses to Brother Comments on these Rape Charges

  1. S. R. says:

    and here I thought this post was about Vincent Brothers of Bakersfield. The pic even kind of looks like him.

  2. That was awesome – – – keep ’em coming Nick. In fact, you should post a string of your favorites every once in a while. I did that here:

    Just use that same format – one after another, think of the best description you can for each…a quick YouTube shot is the best thing for me sometimes while I’m working on school stuff…THAT ONE, hit the spot. Stanhope’s a beast!

  3. Use the title Bblogbouillabaisse #DATE – so we’ll know where to find them later

  4. black dog says:

    I really loved Johnny I’m glad to hear he will be making a comeback.

  5. Richard Simmons says:

    Vincent Brothers and Jonny Damon have a lot in common.

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