Harry Reid is dead to me

Reid got $1M in land sale

As I see it, when you’ve got a mandatory minimum sentence for some kid a few grams over the statute limit for whatever substance they’re caught with…if that’s how our government wants to carry it when it comes to crime and punnishment down here on our level, then it’s about time the same started happening with these politicians! Hook up one of these suits with 20 years for insider trading or pay to play and you’ll see DC clean itself up REAL quick. Duke Cunningham is in the joint not even a year and he’s already cracked, writing crazy accusations about how the local papers framed him.

Introduce some of these pigs to the reality they’re forcing millions of others to fear, that warped reality that insists a “victimless crime” is something that doesn’t exist, because “society” is always the victim…you know, that same rationale religion has used to keep people in line forever, kids too with that list Santa Claus is working on all the time.  I hope the Democrats take back both houses, but I’ve got my shotgun loaded and ready for when they start acting like this last batch of Republicans with the thieving. If either house or the President had been in Democrat control these past 6 years, a lot more crooks would be going to jail. I’m dying to see whether or not it’s just as bad with all three in Democrat hands.

In the Army during the whitewater investigation…the Washington Times ran something on it every day it seemed, so I wasted many hours of my life reading about it, a ton of money was spent, with zilch to show for it in the end. So the legislature CAN round up the posse if they have the will to do so, yet nothing like that happened during this period from 00-06, and we all know a lot of people got fat. It was so easy to steal that most never thought they could be touched. The Foley thing is waking people up to it, but for me…the VA being run underbudget year after year while contractors get hundreds of millions for nothing is a million times worse.

If any collection of Americans are in more of a dire need for some non-friendly incentives to do the right thing than people in politics, I’m all ears.   

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