All is forgiven!!!

During my brief stint as a local sports media flunky a few years back, Kenny Rogers suckerpunched me in the clubhouse for no reason, and for a long time I’ve been replaying the moment again and again in my head, especially when I’m drinking…totally uncalled for. It was that moment when I decided the gig wasn’t for me, picked up my glasses and pocketprotector, both on the floor after the assault, with about 20 people laughing at the whole scene, as I stood up he hollared something at me like “WATCH THE FUCK OUT NEXT TIME” – I responded with “THROW STRIKES” – and a second assault took place, this time a teammate joined in, battering my skull with a cup still inside the jock strap, stomping on me with cleats…I blacked out.

He’s shutting out the Yankees through six in game 3.

kenny rogers

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16 Responses to All is forgiven!!!

  1. Adam says:

    Good Old Uncle Charlie!!!

    As a person I think this guy is a degenerate cocksucker, like Pesci in ‘Casino’, but what a pitcher!

    Small confession: I kind of pulled for the Yankees in game one. Not because of the players or the team(As S. R. always points out the yanks are just a bunch of ringers). It seems like the last 10 or 11 years when you say October and Baseball the Yankees were always there (and the Braves). It was a warm comfortable feeling, like the leaves turning or something (a Hallmark card of good cheer).

    But I think the tide has turned, just a little. That mid-week rainout was the best momentum killer the Tigers could have hoped for. They are definitely in the driver’s seat; they can now slay the hated beast.

  2. Adam says:

    sorry about the C*Su@#$(*&$%#%#!!!


    I don’t know if you have seen the schedule for 2007 (tentative), but my SF Giants will be at Fenway (weekend of the 15th of June). I don’t know if Barry will be in attendance (Has he ever logged an AB in Fenway, All-Star game maybe?–‘Moonlight’ Graham?). Anyway, maybe we can meet and possibly corral the minds of S. R. (no Dodgers in Fenway this year, sorry!)and HOAT for a ‘meeting of the minds times 2!: the search for FOLEY’s gold. Just a thought.

  3. If that’s happening, I’m there – – – and we’re doing it RIGHT!

    BEING RIGHT…in beantown, absolutely. Tell your god to get ready for blood!

    That first at bat, that first time Bonds steps into the batter’s box in Fenway…he’ll think he’d experienced the epitome of low-class bullshit, name out of the papers with Bud Selig’s crossdressing expose leaked to the NY Post a month before…shit…he hasn’t felt like killing a drunk honkey until he’s played Fenway.

    You’ll never forget it…and if we can be on the ball the day tickets go on sale, get seats on the 3rd base side, near the on deck circle…I’ll get kicked out most likely, but it’d be one of those moments that makes you proud to be an American…

    In times like these, you’ve got to take them any way you can get them!

  4. Adam says:

    “I’d know I’d go from rags to riches…”

  5. Adam says:

    Well, then get on with it, mother…” -Stringer Bell

  6. Had it rolling around for a few minutes and have to go with Goodfellas before passing out here…that’s it, right?

  7. “…guess I can’t say nothin to change yall nigga’s minds…”

  8. Adam says:

    This season(the wire): it was summed up in the first episode (‘boys of summer’) with Felicia ‘Snoop’ Pearson…”You earned that buck like a motherfucker, keep that shit.”–to a sales rep in a home depot-esque establishment.

  9. captain_menace says:

    Why are professional sports so popular? I don’t really get it. Now, “Lord of the Rings” I get. And kick ass video games that I don’t have the money to buy or the equipment to run… I get that too. But sports… nope. Except, of course, the “sports” that involve grown men beating the hell out of eachother. I get that too.

  10. Adam says:

    “When you’re drinking…when you’re drinking, the show…looks good to you.” -Dean Martin

  11. menace – it’s the unscripted drama unfolding before your very eyes…the allure has to do with YOUR TEAM up against it, and all the emotion that this struggle creates, improvisational entertainment in one of its highest forms.

  12. black dog says:

    How traumatic for you.

  13. captain_menace says:

    it’s the unscripted drama unfolding before your very eyes

    Hell, for unscripted drama it just doesn’t get any better than “America’s Next Top Model”.

    Reminder: no matter how corrupt America’s political system has become, it could be much worse.

  14. There’s something for everybody – – – over Labor Day a few years back Heather and I watched most of that first season of Top Model, we were at my grandparent’s place with a fire going, quite addictive I have to say.

    I really can’t seem to get interested in anything on TV these days besides HBO, Comedy Central and CSPAN…sports eats up more time than those put together once football starts. I’m a basketball junky as well…

    My neighbor is one of those obnoxious Yankees fans who has given me shit all year about the Sox, so it’s about time I stooped down for a shot or two of my own…I’m thinking of going with,

    “I think the problem is you guys tried to put that team together on the cheap, and everybody knows the only way to win a world series these days is to spend spend spend.”

    still mulling it over…knowing he won’t be struting around the back yard tomorrow…last week I was outside not knowing the Pats game had started (just back from a family thing), he said, “Yea, the Bengals are already driving it at will, about to score”…went inside and they hadn’t even passed the 50. I think he’s a Giants fan.

  15. S. R. says:

    At least the AL looks good for this year’s WS.

  16. Dusty says:

    Al, you should be sainted or knighted(take your pick) for your comment #11. It hits the nail on the head as far as my belief in baseball and most sports.

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