Monthly Archives: October 2006

Ironsides, Mike Hammer, Popeye Doyle…can we find someone to finally investigate the theft of our democracy?

(SOURCE – Miami Herald) After a week of early voting, a handful of glitches with electronic voting machines have drawn the ire of voters…several South Florida voters say the choices they touched on the electronic screens were not the ones … Continue reading

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I’ve been messing around with perl and how to link input from an html file to a database for most of the day’s nap time, knowing now that it’s only a matter of seconds before they’re up and ready to … Continue reading

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lovely life

Misery all sticky arrives in words from far away Packages of bile needing to be gulped down More and more arrive dripping as you sleep Another time in another life it will go down easy

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  (clockwise) Red Auerbach, w/ Bill Russell, w/ Bill Russell, w/ Bill Russell, w/ Bob Cousey, w/ Larry Bird – – – – A Great American (1917-2006)

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George…just stop, alright? Don’t talk anymore…

Who does this numbskull think he’s kidding when he says something like this? “The United States does not torture”…is this said solely for the benefit of voters with autism? If so, the ones who can understand enough to vote are … Continue reading

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Democratic Obstruction

I note that any time you have the party of Limbaugh, Hannity, Delay in power, when the public grows weary of their failure to legislate effectively, it will always be the other side’s fault. When Iraq is over and done … Continue reading

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Gilbert Gottfried is here with us today

“He is exaggerating the effects of the disease,” Limbaugh told listeners. “He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act…This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting.” For some … Continue reading

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Tell Doc Rivers to dust off his resume if…

I’ve consumed enough “so what about the Celtics” articles by now, I could go without a single word along those lines for the rest of the season…in fact, the next “where is this team headed” piece I read is going … Continue reading

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Idiots Rule – Who are we at war with?

Stupidity at high levels of government should offend everyone, especially when an example of it has to do with life and death. I posted a map of the Sunni/Shia breakdown in the middle east a few weeks ago…wasn’t overly complicated, … Continue reading

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Brother Comments on these Rape Charges

Rape charge recommended for Israeli president JERUSALEM (CNN) — Police in Israel are recommending that the country’s president be charged with rape and other crimes against several women, a police announcement said. Police issued a statement Sunday announcing that they … Continue reading

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Green Machine 06-07 Draft (FINISHED)

Phil – Shaq, Yao, Artest, Hinrich, Randolph, Duhon Ricky – Garnett, R. Allen, Bibby, A. Stoudamire, R. Jefferson, C. Frye Murray – Kobe, J. Smith, Josh Howard, Peja, Ben Gordon, D. Williams Chris – Iverson, B. Wallace, J. O’Neal, G. … Continue reading

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Harry Reid is dead to me

Reid got $1M in land sale As I see it, when you’ve got a mandatory minimum sentence for some kid a few grams over the statute limit for whatever substance they’re caught with…if that’s how our government wants to carry … Continue reading

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All is forgiven!!!

During my brief stint as a local sports media flunky a few years back, Kenny Rogers suckerpunched me in the clubhouse for no reason, and for a long time I’ve been replaying the moment again and again in my head, … Continue reading

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Take My Advice

Regardless of how she’s making you feel at the time, congratulating a female state trooper on her sex change is never a good idea.

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Rumsfeld’s Not Busy?

This has been bothering me for a while now, and with conditions on the ground in Iraq being what they are, the military in general today compared with five years ago, when is the Defense Secretary’s boss going to finally tell … Continue reading

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This Creepy Guy Named Foley

I’ve been swiming upstream lately with the new semester starting this week, trying to get smart on the material and ahead on assignments, so politics has been far down on the list…though, the reaction from Republicans on this matter of … Continue reading

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