
Quick hits – out of sorts at the moment – dug into the dirtbag here (all short videos – my favs on YouTube), enjoy!

William F Buckley – “Iraq War is a Failure”Phish performing Tube (check out the piano!)  … The Wire – Stringer Gets Airholed by Omar and Brother MouzoneMore OmarOmar Testifies Against Bird (“I robs drug dealers”)Bruno at Daytona Beach (HILLARIOUS)NE Patriots – Defend the DynastyThe Triple Lindy (Rodney)Bill Hicks standupSam Kinison standupPatrice O’Neal standup (!)Deadwood – Dority Fights Cpt. TurnerGalactic (great band)Phish – Peaches en Regalia (Zappa cover) – Boise, ID


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7 Responses to bBlogBouillabaisse

  1. adam says:

    Thanks for the links!

    A couple of things…

    William F. Buckley, I love this man not because he’s conservative, but because he smokes dope.
    “There will be no legacy for Mr. Bush”

    “Well get on with it, mother FU–” I miss Stringer. I heard pigeons fluttering after the shooting; was Simon’s homage to Director John Woo?

  2. Ah – – – – good question. My favorite out of those three Wire clips is when Omar’s on the stand and the defense attourney is going into his, “you’re a parasite…”, know what I’m talking about? When Omar flips it and tells the truth in a way, that they’re in fact the same…incredible.

    Bush is screwed in terms of history’s perspective on his adminstration…it’s Nixon-squared.

    His fight now against McCain-Powell…it’s very very revealing in terms of his motivations since day one, to somehow prove the experts wrong, outdo his dad…

    adam, did you check out the Patrice O’Neal?

    Buckley’s a great one, whether I agree with what he’s writing about or not, it’s always heady and what he honestly feels. I’ll have to find the clip I have of Limbaugh trying to explain away Buckley’s statements on Iraq…it’s classic stuff, and like the right-wing talkers we have here localy, it seems like the worst job in the world at times, having to stick with the team motto regardless of what goes on.

  3. adam says:

    on o’neals stanp-up…that shit is priceless!

  4. The 2nd part is just as good, I’ll post that in my next one. You Tube is incredible. Sometimes a link will be removed, but for the most part, whatever they pull gets put right back up in no time. I end up getting a playlist going, and when the kids are down in the basement w/ me I’ll either have music or some standup comedy rolling.

    Can’t seem to find the time or the energy to sit and write a full piece of anything right now, so it’ll probably be more of this.

    captainmenace hipped me to ‘Why We Fight’, I got that off of a torrent and it was great…I figure there’s more of that we could do here, exchanging links and such.

    I eventually want to change deadissue, move to a service that allows you to set up a tracker, house files for download, etc…in school I learned a lot about HTML, but it’s a time thing for me, don’t have enough of it.

    Glad to have you posting Adam – – – hope you stay around and contribute often! Any word on HOAT? Last email I got was over a week ago.

  5. Dusty says:

    Disgusting that everything Eisenhower warned us about has come to fruition. Did you know both his parents were pacifists? I did a post on him on my poli blog last month.

  6. captain_menace says:

    Disgusting that everything Eisenhower warned us about has come to fruition.

    But you know what is just a wee bit lame? He didn’t do much about it during his presidency. And furthermore, his administration developed some very bad foreign policies during the 50’s… Iran, Guatemala, and on and on. We are still paying the “blowback” price for many of his policies.

  7. Basically what Bush is doing right now, although, I very much doubt that he’ll be leaving us any wisdom on his way out, surely nothing as apt as what Eisenhower had to say. It’ll probably be something like, “the terrorists are comming to gitcha, so ya need to elect Cheney in ’08”

    menace, as for foreign entanglements, you’re right, but also have to throw in JFK, LBJ, Reagan, Nixon…who hasn’t gone buck wild on a soverign nation for the sake of America’s interests while President? I think the prez I served under had the right idea, but a Democrat can’t do shit in this country without the reds deploying the stormtroopers to shut it down.

    Jesus Camp is coming out…I’ve got a clip, expect a post shortly w/ good video to go along with…I’ve been waiting for this one. Here I have expertise, this subject is a part of my own life.

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