Ret. General Wes Clark “Thoughts On 9/11”

I think there are two clear paths ahead. This nation can listen to the dictates of fear and hubris as the administration alternately ignores Al Qaeda and then trumpets their success. Alternately brags about success in Iraq and then ignores it, and all the while beats the tom-toms for war with Iran.
Yes, our country could slide that way if we listen to the dictates of fear. But we have nothing to fear in this country. We’re still the greatest power in the world. And we can be the greatest force of good in the world. And we can keep ourselves safe.
I’d like us to resolve on this 5th Anniversary of 9/11, that we as Americans no longer need live in fear. We should live in determination that we’ll protect ourselves. Support our friends and allies around the world. Work together to solve the common problems that face mankind. And above all, we’ll make sure that at home that we never sacrifice the liberties and rights that define our country. Even in an effort to protect ourselves.
We can have it all. We can do it all.
We just have to be courageous and face the facts as they are and work for the future as we want it to be. (PODCAST)

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4 Responses to Ret. General Wes Clark “Thoughts On 9/11”

  1. S. R. says:

    I’ve always been a big fan of Wes Clark.

  2. adam says:

    Me too. I saw him give a speech to the troops in Tuzla, Bosnia, when he was the NATO Supreme CMDR…I was a big fan ever since.

  3. captain_menace says:

    I saw him give a speech to the troops in Tuzla, Bosnia

    Wasn’t that when he was on tour with Motley Crue? Man he really rocked!

  4. adam says:

    No it was Joan Jett, brought the house down, man!

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