No Saddam-alQaida Link, Report FINALLY Surfaces

Forget about WMDs being found in Iraq and the rabble over that farse a couple weeks ago, as now we have a document signed by Republicans and Democrats stating that everything Bush, Cheney and their minions pushed as ‘evidence’ of collaboration between Saddam and alQuida was 100% bullshit.  Here are the actual documents:

Postwar findings about WMDs and Iraq’s links to terrorism and how they compare to prewar statements

The use by the intelligence community of information provided by the Iraqi National Congress

One member of the Iraqi National Congress I’ve been reading up on lately is Bayan Jabr.  Follow the story of how he came into power after the invasion, and what happeend after that.  Torture, mass graves, corruption (like the USA purchasing heavy equipment, Jabr’s millitia dismantling it and selling it for scrap in Turkey)…billions stolen…he was one of the “good guys” in the eyes of the White House.   HARPERS (where I read of his deeds)

The Iraqi National Congress looked at Bush and figured it was a perfect opportunity for a stick-up.

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4 Responses to No Saddam-alQaida Link, Report FINALLY Surfaces

  1. captain_menace says:

    “nothing new” – Tony Snow responding to report, Sept. 8 2006

    I listened to an interesting interview earlier today on NPR. They have been running commentary every day this week during the morning. The question is “why hasn’t the U.S. been attacked again since 9/11”.

    Every interviewee (analysts, agency directors, representatives) have said it’s because of this, or because of that.

    This morning they had a former CIA analyst on answering the question.

    He said… “what are you talking about? We are getting hit every day. We lose on average 2 military personnel every day, and we’ve bled out hundreds of billions of $$$”.

    He went to say that this is exactly what Islamic militants want… a close up target.

    He also went on to say that he doesn’t take any solace in the fact that we haven’t been hit on our homeland yet. He said we have failed miserably over the last 5 years in two critical ways:

    1) We have not gained any better control over our open border situation.

    2) We have not actively pushed for the accounting of 22,000 nuclear weapons that are “somewhere in Russia”.

  2. Well that makes too much sense. If this guy was as tough as Cheney, he’d understand why he’s a nazi for saying these things.

    Look – we’re all going to die by the hands of terrorists unless we listen to Cheney and do what he says.

  3. captain_menace says:

    Me thinks that you are right on the money.

    Why, oh why didn’t Cheney fight in Vietnam? I believe that he could have single-handedly kicked ass and won that conflict for us.

    Oh yeah, he was busy getting deferment after deferment. What was it? Five deferments? For someone that likes to fight so much he really missed a great opportunity. He could have really “killed hiself some gooks”.

  4. Dusty says:

    wow wee..graft and corruption in the Iraqi government..THATS a surprise right?

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