Katie Couric – This is bad


I didn’t think much of the ‘can a woman read the news’ rabble when it was loud, as the skill set is one that she has in tow…I mean, if she can make the nonsense everywhere at the Today Show look interesting, then substance should only enhance her game.  It’s a non-issue if Matt Lauer were chosen instead of her, which tells me that America is still in a sorry state when it comes to this carrot on a stick game, network television, a series of channels that don’t matter to me at all unless sports show up on a given day.  Regardless of how she does, I’ll never catch a minute of it, but the larger issue here is how they’ve created a frenzy over her new job, and now up the ante with this “touch up”…the network REALLY wants us buzzing about whether she’s good enough, so here’s something that should piss off every woman in America, sure to be discussed on The View and those E! shows…

Is the network hoping to bring in more women viewers by messing with Couric?  Is the goal to piss them off enough to make sure they’re tuning in out of spite?  I think so.  The whole thing is overdone for the sake of ratings, and what they did in this picture is an example of what kind of country we are today.  Whether to make her more easy on the eyes or to stir up chatter, going this route is in bad taste, and should convince women to never watch the channel ever again.

Katie will be fine…she’s got plenty of $$ – I just hope America doesn’t reward these scumbag execs by tuning in out of spite.  Just turn the damned thing off and read the paper!   There’s nothing any of us can do besides that…because until then, women will continue to be turned from people to commodities by these network whores…and they’ll get away with insisting that this woman look more like Paris Hilton, when it shouldn’t even matter in the first place.

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6 Responses to Katie Couric – This is bad

  1. S. R. says:

    Is she already doing the CBS News?

  2. I have no idea – – – don’t even know why I cared enough to post this…I get 15 minute bursts at the PC during the day and this one filled up a block of time, got on my nerves.

    From the outside looking in…Couric is at the top of the media mountain, the only woman I know besides Barbara Walters who is at that level, and Couric is above Barbara really…ironic that Connie Chung made me throw up with her song and dance at the cancelation of her show with Maury, that trainwreck was kind of fun to watch for a couple minutes on Sunday morning…we were watching it the morning they announced that they were getting cancelled and Connie basically said that Maury’s privates weren’t functional, and the ridiculous song she sang in that white dress, phew!

    Couric won’t go out like that…no kamikazee in her future, so here she is on the top of the mountain and the network wants her image to get done up by the computer before its released.

    A man is in her position and it wouldn’t matter. Kind of shitty since we’re always crying about how people in Islamic societies treat their women, yet here we’re just as bad the opposite way.

    Muslims use it to maintain authority – Americans use it to sell diet pills, plastic surgery, hours of psychotherapy, daytime talk shows, etc…

    Basically pissing on women in both cases – it’s just that in America we make money off of it…piss on the girl, then sell her a towell, soap, perfume, etc…once she’s clean and not smelling like urine anymore, walks out of the house and gets pissed on again, sold more shit, feeling good, walks out of the door, pissed on again…

  3. S. R. says:

    I never watched the “Connie and Maury” show, but did see the aforementioned clips on some satirical show.

    Never understood the cognitive dissonance of Americans. Gotta be slim, fit, and youuthful, but then there is garbage food and soda at every turn that most people can’t refuse.

  4. All about $$ – – – fill you up with shit, then charge you double to get it out of you

  5. black dog says:

    I swear they took 10 pounds off her fat ass, that was amazing.

    The should do a show with Greta Vanwhatever, Nancy Grace, Rita Cosby, Barbara WaWa, Catie Couric and Dan Rather as the whupping boy. Instead of the view they can call it the Boobs.

  6. Got to include Richard Simmons as well…he’ll be the “straw that stirs the drink”

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