Monthly Archives: September 2006

Official Procedure: How to force feed a Guantanamo detainee

Anesthetic is administered to the patient in an innovative, cost-sensitive manner that respects the sanctity of his/her religious beliefs (aversion in the Muslim faith to alcohol/drug use).  This is carried out by corrections officers, who place the patient in a … Continue reading

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George C. Wallace Community College Cancels Early Admissions Program

Following the lead of Harvard, Princeton and other schools of higher learning, George Wallace will now also be cancelling their early admissions program, citing as others have, the amount of undue pressure being put on students to over achieve at … Continue reading

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Sopranos Mystery Solved! Vito in Chicopee, MA

A little while before this last season started they were filming scenes in Chicopee, MA – about 15 minutes from where I live, and where I’m actually going to for an appointment tomorrow.  The actor that plays Vito says in … Continue reading

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Expose – Pain in my ass

Vanity Fair keeps hounding me for pictures of Cleo, for their next cover…I sent them this list of links and told them to find what they wanted on their own.  She’s got an agent now, so suddenly I’m being handed … Continue reading

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Clinton on FauxNews Sunday – Transcript

The entire thing is under the fold – a blockbuster, hell of a read, probably will be the first time in my entire life I look forward to waking up on Sunday for a program on this channel…the setup:  Chris Wallace … Continue reading

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Java Headaches – My Slow Brain – Korean Dominatrix – Army Rant

I told myself I wasn’t going to bore all of you with the details of what’s bugging me

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Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Face The Nation

While I’m not a big fan of John McCain, I have always been impressed by John Warner…Lindsey Graham was a fellow I’d seen a lot from in some instances, but overall I’d have been reluctant to call myself a fan … Continue reading

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Quick hits – out of sorts at the moment – dug into the dirtbag here (all short videos – my favs on YouTube), enjoy! William F Buckley – “Iraq War is a Failure” … Phish performing Tube (check out the … Continue reading

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comment from elsewhere

In an idiotic war you need an equally idiotic populace who will put up with conscription or be fighting an opponent with a less idiotic populace than your own in order to win. In a fight as deranged as this … Continue reading

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Ret. General Wes Clark “Thoughts On 9/11”

I think there are two clear paths ahead. This nation can listen to the dictates of fear and hubris as the administration alternately ignores Al Qaeda and then trumpets their success. Alternately brags about success in Iraq and then ignores … Continue reading

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9/11 remembered, Osama still making videos

When I remember 9/11, the images that haunt me are those of the people jumping to their deaths, and the many times afterwards when Osama would show up on my TV screen. To this day there aren’t any people jumping … Continue reading

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BC Does it Again to Clemson

Since I disagreed with that idiot running the Rolling Barrage, Paul bounced. His #1 thing was Clemson football, and after last year he told me to watch out because Clemson was bringing back all their starters on offense. Now…BC held … Continue reading

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No Saddam-alQaida Link, Report FINALLY Surfaces

Forget about WMDs being found in Iraq and the rabble over that farse a couple weeks ago, as now we have a document signed by Republicans and Democrats stating that everything Bush, Cheney and their minions pushed as ‘evidence’ of … Continue reading

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Ted Stevens has to rescue a dizzy, confused George Allen, as he stammers like a kid giving a book report in front of the class, a book he never read a page of, seemingly hadn’t changed at all, but for … Continue reading

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1995-Muslim Distribution-Facts

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Army recommends a sacrifice to Allah in Iraq slayings

Time to bring the ‘Army of One’ collage back…they’ll pick and choose a few to sacrifice to Allah for attrocities or whatever you want to call it. Forget about ‘shake and bake’ assaults, cluster bombs and torture…the United States government … Continue reading

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New Orleans Debate

The right blames the mayor and governor for the condition of the city today.  Neither official has the tax revenue to rebuild without federal money.  Federal money is authorized, though not handed over directly, but given to corporations who subcontract … Continue reading

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Katie Couric – This is bad

I didn’t think much of the ‘can a woman read the news’ rabble when it was loud, as the skill set is one that she has in tow…I mean, if she can make the nonsense everywhere at the Today Show … Continue reading

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